Responses to Hebrew Nations Survey 2012 Intermediate Summary
Hebrew Nations Survey 2012
Do you wish your answers to remain (a) anonymous? (b) Not anonymous
but sensitive issues not publicized in my name; (c) No need for any
anonymity but all may be made public.
Most preferred their full names, some wanted to remain anonymous, and a few opted for (b).
Do you strongly believe you are descended from Israel? Or are you
just mildly interested in the possibility?
Nearly all believed they were descended from Israel. Some were of Jewish ancestry. One described himself as 50/50 on the issue.
If you do believe you are descended from Israel is there one single
factor you can mention that initiated this belief?
Some received it from their parents, others from their Church (which they may have left but the Identity message had remained), a few from us or it was strengthened by us.
Instinct; Bible; Contemporary Events; Historical Proofs; Religious
Experience; Other.
Most gave a combination of factors but the Bible was the most imprtant.
Where do your ancestors come from as far as you can tell?
Most were of mixed ancestry from West European nations (including Germany). Some had additional input from elsewhere in Europe or from Amerindians or from other places.
What could be done to enhance the Presentation of this issue?
Most said we should continue as we are doing.
Do you find our message convincing?
Most said Yes.
What do you particularly like about it?
Many liked the abundance of sources we refer to and the variety of presentation.
What do you dislike?
There were a few who found some aspects of what we do not sufficiently professional.
Proposed Publications.
Would you prefer a new work dealing with:
a. Biblical Prophecy and the Ten Tribes.
b. Historical Evidence concerning the Ten Tribes.
c. Which of the above two proposed books (all other things being
equal) would you prefer?
Most wanted both with a slightly greater preference for the Bible.
Overall the answer tended towards a work combining both.
Is there anything else we could do to spread the message?
Several suggestions were made that (God willing) we should eventually consider.
Do you read our appeals for funds?
All said they read the Appeals.
Do these appeals for funds create a negative impression?
Most said NO. A very few said they were irritating. One person said they cause a failing of guilt in those who cannot give. [This is something we should seek to avoid in future].
Those few who were irritated seemed to feel we should receive money from heaven but not through them. If the money did not descend from above they implied that evidently we did not deserve it!
Do they diminish your zest for reading our other messages?
Again Most said NO.
Are they likely to have an effect on you, i.e. would you donate
because of them?
Most said Yes. Two people said No. There were quite a few who would want to give but lack the means.
If you already donate, can you say why?
Those who answered said it was because they believe in the message.
If you do not donate, can you say why not?
Out of those to whom this question was pertinent and two answered most said they lacked the means.
We now have two main functioning sites.
We hope shortly to upgrade and improve the first site:
Do you have any suggestions?
Not many answered this question. Those who did suggested it should be better organized and that the Site-Map and Navigational Aids should be easier to find. It was also suggested that we hire a professional for advice.
YouTube Clips.
We have now begun to concentrate a little on YouTube clips. The
response on the whole has not been overwhelming but it does exist and
appears justified.
Do you have any comments on this:
Most of those who answered like the clips and encouraged us to do more. One person said they should be more professional and that we should take an example from others.
Another person evidently has trouble understanding the speech peculiarities of Yair Davidiy.
Are there any other issues you would like dealt with?
A few wanted more Jewish orientated content.
Do you have an Obligation to Help this cause
Are you Prepared to Help Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations?
Most agreed in principle and some are already helping.
Help should take the form of financial support (where possible, if it
is not possible then no) or AS WELL as spreading the message through
the Internet or in other ways.
Do you agree with the above? If not, why not?
This question in effect was a repetition of the others and received similar answers.