Show-Down in the West (9 September 2015, 25 Elul 5775)
We are in Confrontation.
The English-speaking peoples who believe in the Bible are being threatened by outsiders.
First there were the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan) in WW2.
These basically believed that they should be able to benefit from land, resources, and labor, and life itself that were possessed by others.
The Germans believed they should be able to take what they needed from European peoples.
The Italians from Black and Arab Africans.
The Japanese from Asians and Australians.
The Germans also considered the Jews an entity they had to destroy.
The Axis were beaten by English-speaking peoples allied with Russian and Chinese Communists.
Then came the Russian and Chinese Communists who were opposed to the English-speaking peoples.
They mainly claimed that the influence and resources of the English-speaking peoples should belong to them or at least not be used to support a life style different from theirs.
They were against belief in God and in support of a system in which the community controls everybody in every way through party functionaries.
This system fell apart due to economic weakness. Russia however is still opposed to the English speaking peoples.
So is China which strives to take over the world for the sake of its Communist system and Han Chinese rule.
In addition we now have Radical Islam which in effect means ALL the Muslim world.
They say that ultimately the property, women, children, labor, and life (they trade in human organs on occasion) of others should belong to them and they will taken them by violence when they can.
The only option is to either beat them or join them on their terms and after joining them to become like them.
The Muslims also want to wipe out the Jewish people. For some of them this is a priority.
Japan and Germany are also forces of importance opposed to the west but for the time being prepared to keep a low profile.
Within the west, especially the USA, are non-Anglo groups such as Mexicans and Africans who also want to take from the Anglos what they have.
Amongst the Anglos are descendants of Israelites and of Edomites.
The Anglos and kin are descended from Israelites from the Ten Tribes. They were taken into Exile by the Assyrians and Edomites and still have Edomites amongst them.
The Edomites hate the Jews and are often homosexuals.
Edomites often identify with the Anglos, but will join the others if they can indulge their perversions in doing so or hurt the Jews.
The Israelites are often more favorable towards Biblical values and the Jews but they are not aware of their ancestry.
We are headed for a final confrontation.
It is time for True Israelites who believe in God and the Bible and feel an affinity with the Jews to become aware of their Hebrew Ancestry.