Should Jews and Christians Get Together? by Yair Davidiy (1 May, 2015, 12 Iyar, 5775)
We have been invited to speak at a conference discussing Reconciliation between Christians and Jews.
We shall probably accept the invitation though have not yet done so.
In our opinion fiction in the past was due to:
On the Christian Side
Christians were encouraged to hate Jews due to:
Ethnic and cultural differences for which religious arguments served as a cloak.
Fear on the part of Christian dignitaries of Jewish influence on their constituents.
A feeling amongst Christian Theologians and religious fanatics that lack of acceptance by the Jews of Christianity in some ways negated their beliefs.
On the Jewish Side
Jews traditionally kept their distance from Christians, because:
Jews were the objects of Physical persecution and discrimination by Christians.
Jews were afraid that too close contact would lead to sexual encounters and intermarriage.
It was feared that contact would result in Jews converting to Christianity for social reasons or through being mislead by missionary activity.
The idea existed, and still exists, that each side should learn to respect and live with the other, but at a psychological and social distance.
All of the above points were pertinent and still are.
We have no magic solution.
Our own approach is:
Common physical origins exist between Jews and many in the west. This should be made known.
Both sides have common enemies and mutual adversaries.
The dangers to both should be met by a united front where possible.
If Jews become less religious or Christians less God-fearing both sides will suffer.
In my opinion, Christians should accept increased Jewish influence  as the lesser evil when faced with other alternatives.
Judaism is life, Islam is death. If you have to choose one or the other, what should your choice be? Â A Christian believer will usually answer, neither.