Should we have tried more in 1967?
Elias Skotch-Less: Building the Temple
Re Answer to Question on Quora,
"As an Israeli or Jewish person, what are your feelings about Israel's ultra-orthodox population?"
You may appreciate this thought: At 1967 the world was at a crux, a crossroad. If at that time, when after 1,900 years, we had taken back actual control of the Temple Mount and begun building the Third Temple, things would have kept improving.
But we didn't, and even before the Yom Kippur War here the war in Vietnam got worse, the Apollo space program, which had recently had its greatest success, was also axed and never even launched Apollos 18, 19, and 20, the American SST that would have overshadowed the Concorde was scrapped, and on and on. Then the US tried to use the Yom Kippur War as an excuse to put pressure on Israel, and we saw the Arab Oil Embargo, the decline of the Western educational system, sexual confusion, and on and on.
The world was headed at the end of the Sixties for greatness, a golden age, but instead of supporting Israel in building a Third Temple they put pressure on us to prostrate ourselves before a people who is no people, and the decline in the state of the world has slowly gained momentum until we are in the CoVid crisis of today.
Some of the hints of greatness have been shown to us, like the ability to hold a bit of plastic and glass in your hand and speak face to face with people all over the planet as if they were next to you, and surgeries performed on babies before they are even born, but many other good things that were 'promised' to us by futurists even going back to the Thirties and the World's Fair that spoke of flying cars and home power plants, many other things have been denied us.
All because God gave us the chance to rebuild the Temple and we threw it away.