Proofs and Observations by Eric (TubalCain)
I'm not Norwegian (as far as I know),but there is Norwegian name "Geir" which means "spear". Herodotus mentioned an ancient river called the "Gerrhus" or "Gerrus" situated near the Black Sea. If we drop the Graeco-Roman "-us" suffix the name of this river would be "Gerrh" or "Gerr".Herodotus said that the Royal Scythians were near the Gerrhus River. It may just be a coincidence of name. There are tumuli graves here. Archaeology possibly might link Scythians in this region to the Norwegians. Herodotus 4:19. Scythian Kings were called the Gerrhi "spear men?". Prayers for the hostages and brave IDF.
The Scythians seem to have had their origins in Media. The Bible says that the lost tribes were deported to the "cities of the Medes". Herodotus also mentions a people of Media called the igynnae who emigrated into Europe in ancient times. "Sigyn" occurs in Norse myth as a goddess of victory. Sometimes coincidences may be more than coincidences,but I don't know for certain at this point. I saw a scholar point out that the Scythian god Oetosyrus may mean "white sun" from old Norse "hvit"="white"="Oet". Also, Exampeus may derive from "Hexen pfad" or "witches path", but in Herodotus it was supposed to mean "sacred ways". The way the Scythians used the bones of a slaughtered animal as fuel to boil the meat in a cauldron is straight out of the Book of Ezekiel. See Ezekiel 24:5 and Herodotus Book 4:61. There are many,many other things. Another thing is that Ashkenaz is called a son of Gomer (Cimmerian). The Cimmerians are thought by many to be the lost House of Israel. The Armenians have an "-az" suffix in their ancient words, like the Armenian deity Manawaz who is supposed to be the German ancestor Mannus, so Ashkenaz would be Ashken where the final "en" could be a typical plural like "fjorden" as you mentioned. So Ashken or people of "Ashk". The Norse mythology mentions Ask and Embla as ancestors of the Vikings. The Scots have a tradition that they descend from Riphath, another son of Gomer,viz,, Riphath Scot and Riphaean Mountains (Western Ural Mountains?). I think Minni may be the German Goths.
Gallo is a rooster. Gallo corresponds to Gallic culture. Gaul is another spelling of Gael,the Irish and Scots.
Welsh have the Brythonic Celtic language, from 'Brith' a covenant.
Kenite scriptures: Exodus 2:11-25 and Exodus 18:1-27 Moses asks Hobab the son of Reuel for assistance. Numbers 10:29-32. Kenites settle in the wilderness of Judah near Arad: Judges 1:16 Yael was married to Heber the Kenite: Judges 4:17. "Heber" is an early Irish name. King Saul remembers the kindness of the Kenites: 1 Samuel 15:6 King David sends war spoil to the elders of Judah (including the cities of the Kenites) 1 Sam 30:29 Kenites affiliated with Bethlehem,the town of David and with Hammath ,possibly a town of Asher or Hamath Zobah in the far north 1 Chronicles 2:54-55 Tubal Cain had a descendant called "Irad" which is similar to "Arad" in the wilderness of Judah. There is a town of Kain in the wilderness of Judah. The Kenites were confederates of the Caleb clan of Judah
Kenite scriptures: Exodus 2:11-25 and Exodus 18:1-27 Moses asks Hobab the son of Reuel for assistance. Numbers 10:29-32. Kenites settle in the wilderness of Judah near Arad: Judges 1:16 Yael was married to Heber the Kenite: Judges 4:17. "Heber" is an early Irish name. King Saul remembers the kindness of the Kenites: 1 Samuel 15:6 King David sends war spoil to the elders of Judah (including the cities of the Kenites) 1 Sam 30:29 Kenites affiliated with Bethlehem,the town of David and with Hammath ,possibly a town of Asher or Hamath Zobah in the far north 1 Chronicles 2:54-55 Cain had a descendant called "Irad" which is similar to "Arad" in the wilderness of Judah. There is a town of Kain in the wilderness of Judah. Joshua 15:57 The Kenites were confederates of the Caleb clan of Judah. Naamah was the sister of Tubal Cain. There was a town of Naamah within the territory of Judah Joshua 15:41. Irish names like: McCain "son of Cain"
Tribe of Dan . *In Ireland there are almost every town and place called after Dun . Dun Aonghus is an ancient 2000 year old fortification on the very West of Ireland. There are many similar language connections in Hebrew and Irish Gaelic. A lot of words are very similar in sound also Ireland has the Harp as it's national symbol, an instrument often referred to in the Old testament.
Taken from Wikipedia: "According to Pliny and other ancient historians, the Euphrates originally had its outlet into the sea separate from that of the Tigris.[12]." This confirms the Biblical account to an extent. The Eurphrates and Tigris may have been one river many thousands of years ago that split into two rivers. The two rivers now join together in the south. I think they joined together more in the north thousands of years ago and then split into two separate rivers.
Notice that the dolmens are all in places associated with the Celts through history.
The name Shuni was associated with the tribe of Gad. There is common Swedish male name of 'Sune'. A strange coincidence?
British has bases and gates too. Falklands,Gibraltar,Cyprus
In ancient Israel only a small number of people listened to the true prophets. When the Northern House split from Judah, HaShem said "this thing is from me".1 Kings 12:24 It was part of G-d's plan.
Many places in Wales have "bedd" in their name.The finall dd in Welsh is pronounced like th in wither, as 'beth'. Bedd means grave in Welsh,but Beth in Hebrew can refer to a house or a sepulchre (source: Gesenius). Beddgelert, Wales is pronounced "Bethkelet". Stay safe!
Remember when we used to be the "lunatuic" fring." Just a little levity here.
Mankind is slowly being led out of the dark times towards HaShem.