Proofs and Observations by Eric (TubalCain)
1. Vulcan, Crete, and Etruscans
2. Egil-Aegil the Archer = Ibor and Hiberi,
3. Eddas as Witnesses
Ten Tribes Outlined
1. Vulcan, Crete, and Etruscans
Thanks Yair. On the island of Crete an ancient god Velcanus was worshipped. The Etruscans who settled Italy worshipped a god Sethlans or VELCAN. Could there be a connection?
2. Egil-Aegil the Archer = Ibor and Hiberi,
Egil the archer in Norse myth. The children of Ephraim being armed and carrying bows Psalm 78:9.Egil was known as Ibor or Ebur-maybe derived from Hiberi or Hebrew. Egil sometimes spelled Aegil. Egil was a mythical king of the Northmen. Son was Svipdag,known as Hermod or Ingi-Ingevones. Maybe name Egil is origin of name Anglii-English. English used the bow as a weapon,an example is Robin Hood.
3. Eddas as Witnesses
Abraham as Evidence of TTs in the West
The Scandinavians preserved their history in "Eddas". In Hebrew an "Eda" is a testimony. Sakkin in Hebrew means a knife;the Saxon name is supposed to derive from Sachs,a knife.