Is Ephraim the Guardian Angel of Judah?
Continued from Rabbi Avraham Feld-1.
The Historic Interaction of Ephraim on Judah's behalf
Ephraim has acted in history as a Guardian Angel of Judah, unbeknown to Judah and even to Ephraim.
We the Jewish people, the identifiable remnants of the Tribes are deeply indebted to our brothers and sisters, not yet clearly identifiable among the Western Nations.
Ephraim has acted in history as a Guardian Angel of Judah, unbeknown to Judah and even to Ephraaim.
Misunderstanding regarding this relationship has been the cause of increasing division between these two sectors throughout time. Awareness of the following examples (to merely touch on this exhaustive subject) of Ephraim's special role, should work for improving the relationship and advancing Peace, Reconciliation and Reunion (Redemption, Geulah) as per the Main Theme of Biblical Prophecy.
Here are a few examples of this mysterious interplay between 10-Israel and Judah:
The role of Ten Israel/Ephraim/Yosef as Guardian Angel of Judah was invisible to Judah. Judah should rejoice in the words of the song: 'You are my special Angel for eternity, you are my special Angel sent to watch over me ..'
Many of our experts in Israel have long ago refuted the left wing mantra that there can be no military solution to the Radicalized Arab Israeli conflict. For example the man labeled Israels "Greatest Soldier", second to the PM, former Chief of Staff Moshe Ayalon, has repeatedly said that within 12 to 72 hours all the enemy entities (including Fatah) can be destroyed. This would bring the atmosphere back to the way it was right after the Six Day War when Arabs had a certain reverence for Jews, It would also free the Arabs from the Terror Despotic forces that presently rule them. Yaacov Amidor, past head of National Security Council General, expressed a similar position and said that in the end we will have to completely reconquer Gaza. Minister and key player in several coalitions, Prof. Yuval Steinitz, has said "A two state solution will bring about the demise of Israel!" I personally have always said, concerning all kinds of wars, that a truce often doesn't work but the unconditional surrender and re-education of the enemy always seems to do the trick.
All of the above bravo and extreme military power which allow the above experts to speak so confidently, exists 100% because of the power, finances, weapon systems and back-up by the Ephraimite countries. The reality of this statement should be a sobering consideration for many Israelis today. To those who may well dispute and reject this statement, I will ask:
Who gave us this country? Who organized international conferences which ceded this area 'for the establishment of the Jewish national Homeland?' Who fought the wars that drove out a mighty established empire (the Ottoman Turk Empire) to eventually create a Jewish State?
The answer to all of these questions is: Those countries which we know today, are identified as having Ephraimite roots! And they are the very countries mentioned by Abarbanel, Rashi, Ramban, Radak, Targum Yonathan, Midrash Tanchuna and several Prophets. By the way, these are the same countries who just spent 2 trillion dollars and lost 4500 men fighting for us against ferocious enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The USA just gave us an additional 436 million dollars for our Arrow missile system fulfilling the Prophet Zechariah's words that 'Judah is the bow and Ephraim is the arrow'.
We Jews take for granted that this State was given to us. Why should they? In all of history there is no reason or basis for taking this phenomena for granted. We act as if 'it is obvious that people should give us a State'. Surely, there must be more behind this than meets the eye? The facts of history testify against this notion of just giving and just receiving.
A few examples why we should not take this Gift from the Ephraimite nations for granted:
500 years of Roman Byzantine domination over the Promised Land. It never occurred to these rulers that the Jews should have anything at all in this Land. This rule was based in Esav genealogy.
The Ottoman Turks ruled the Land for 400 years. They were a mixture of Ishmael and non-Ephraimite nations and likewise there was never any intention to give anything to the Jews.
Don David Lawrence, a re-identifying Ten Triber, by way of using the Jewish Gematria analysis of Scripture, has recently come across the above amazing equi-distant code sequence between the names of Ephraim and Judah that has a message for all of us. The underlying Biblical mathematical code confirms the relationship that we are referring to here. The words Ephraim and Judah connect by way of Gematria sequences.
By the Exodus from Egypt, in connection with fighting Amalek and with the building of the Third Temple. This shows how crucial our unity was for past advancements and how crucial it will be in the near future. Judah's name appears approximately ten more times than Ephraim. Also appropriate considering Ephraim's being hidden from itself and Judah for such a long long time.
Continuing here in this discussion on the dynamic of Ten Israel, you will enjoy the following insights:
Even when being mean to Judah, Ephraimite nations are still, in some ways, helping Judah along the difficult trails towards Redemption.
Even when Ten Israel / Ephraim officially lose some battle it still comes out in some crucial way as an indirect victory for surviving identifiable Judah and moves us all step closer to a reunion. In their spilt blood, on distant battle fields, Ephraim helped establish Judah securely in our ancient Land.
The interdependence between Ephraim and Judah is truly a great mystery and a wondrous directional proof of HaShem's working. God is weaving through the dynamics of history, a tapestry of Redemption, hidden in plain sight!
Let us learn together about a few examples of the above.
The British, in WW2 were under terrible pressure from dark forces within and from dark forces without, to kill the Jews. These forces were of non-Yosef/Ephraim nations such as Amalek, Esav, Yefet, etc.
The pressure on the English from the outside, consisted of the new oil producing Arab Muslims with their then petro dollars available for investment. These pro-Nazi Arab forces threatened to actively join the Nazi cause.
Even the pure Ephraimites could be bad to Judah under negative external corrupting influences.
Since very young I was an admirer of the partisan and underground resistance groups we have had throughout our history. I passionately sided with Judah against the British 'White Paper' that ipso facto, basically, condemned untold numbers of Jewish refugees fleeing from Nazi terror.
England, an Ephraimite super power, temporarily went insane under the pressure of war and the sedition of powerful Amalek key players within their ranks!
What good can come of England's refusal to allow desperate Jewish refugees into 'Palestine' (up until the mid-60's all references to 'Palestinians' meant and was a reference to 'Jews'). Arabs were not called Palestinians. They called themselves'Arabs' or 'Muslim'.
The British negativity solved a terrible problem seldom spoken of, even today, that was slowly killing the spirit of return to the land! You see, many of the Yeshuv (settlement) leadership was against the declaration of statehood of Israel, even after the League of Nations had given permission for Israeli Statehood! That is, after the Balfour Declaration, after the Anglican Understandings, the San Remo Conference - after International law had agreed to give the Jews the British Mandate to establish their own country! Great Muslim Clerics even gave legal decisions in support of a National Jewish State on all of the British Mandate which was only one percent of the former Ottoman Empire. This was several years before oil started to flow into the coffers of radical Muslim fanatics (Saudi Arabia). Twenty two Arab States were to be carved out of the fallen Turkish Empire, several of which would be occupying Biblical Israel.
Yet despite this international atmosphere endorsing a Jewish State, the settlement Bosses like the great Dr. Chaim Weitzman wanted to wait for more infrastructure to develop. Nor did the Ultra-Orthodox, nor the Modern or Religious Zionist leaders declare a State.
What happened to change all of this? What happened to make everyone decide that we could no longer hang onto the apron strings of other people? And we could no longer let others be custodians of the land.
So what happened? The British happened - Ephraim!
Since this is not a paper for a Doctorate, let this idea suffice with one more example of a leader's insight, besides Dr. Weitzman:
Golda Meir (nee. Mabovitch; bat Blume; bat Moshe Yiztzhak) and others have wondered just how and why the British who "stood with so much courage and determination against the Nazis, also found the energy and resources to fight.... a war against the admittance of Jewish refugees to Israel. All I know is that the State of Israel might not have come into being for many years if that British war within a war had not been waged so ferociously and with such insane persistence"! (Golda Meir - My Life, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1975).
The leadership of the Yshuv (Jewish presence) knew the English were under pressure from Arabs, but since it was a matter of life and death the Brits could have told the Arabs that the White Paper will have to wait until after the hostilities at which time they could also expel those Jews out of Palestine!
Golda Meir continues in My Life, that "it was only when the British government decided - in the face of all reason or humanity- to place itself like an iron wall between us and whatever chance we had of rescuing Jews from the Nazis.... We realized political independence was not something that we could go on regarding as a distant aim." The need to control in order to save lives pushed them into making the sort of decision "which might otherwise have waited for much better (if not ideal) conditions".
The Jewish settlement leadership did not know that oil and its revenue would dominate country after country which would in turn fall under Arab influence. Thus, time was NOT on their side. There was only a small window of opportunity to utilize.
The need to save lives became the most urgent and pressing need the Yishuv had known. The right of the Yishuv to govern itself became crucial. "And it was out of the depth of this need, essentially, that the State of Israel was founded only three years after the end of the war".
She continues voicing the opinion of many: "The Yshuv had not asked for any power or privileges of any kind. They just begged - in view of the death sentence passed on the Jews of Europe, to be allowed to share whatever we had with them."
It was the British who succeeded in teaching a simple lesson never to be forgotten, namely, that people other than ourselves (Judah) "could not feel our agonies as we felt them or put the same value on Jewish lives as we did!"
Thus, even when an Ephraimite country is controlled in part by some non and anti-Epraimites people, still, Af Al Pe Kain [even so, despite everything], Hashem works it all out to still benefit Judah by their association.
Now, for an example of how even an Ephraimite apparent defeat in the past helped to protect and save Judah in the future:
A hundred years ago a great battle was fought (nine months long) across from the Dardanelles (Dar-DAN-elles = 'the Tribe of Dan lived there'), a waterway connecting the Aegean sea with the Marmara Sea on the way to Istanbul from the port city of Canakelle.
Here two nations solidified their modern identity: Australia now (after the battle of Gallipoli - WW1) was not only born out of talk and treaties but out of fire and blood! This battle from hell was a nine month long fight like the Jewish notion of nine months of birth pangs of Messiah. Nine months before a baby is born has much symbolism in Jewish sources. The first embers of a distinct national Australian identity apart from England, was born. This was an important step in the differentiations of the Tribes. The Tribes, after all, have to gain a certain sense of unique Tribal Identity in the exile. As the American Revolution and Civil War were crucial in establishing a difference in Menasha identity (basically the USA) verses Ephraim Identity (basically England).
In the defeat on the peninsula of Gallipoli a special consciousness of identity was gained for them.
The other example:
There were thousands of Turk military leaders across their 600 year old vast Empire. How odd that the Turkish military officer who wins the first Turkish victory in ages does so at the loss to Hebrew Tribal countries in WW1. For this defeat catapulted this Turk so much in the eyes of his countrymen that the defeated Turkey elected him as their unquestioned leader. This power enabled him to create a modern, democratic, basically secular Turkey.
In the blood, sweat and tears of Ephraim, Mustafa Kemal, this Turkish young officer, became known as the Ataturk. He made the path for Turkey to become good friends with the soon to be State of Israel. The very powerful Turkey never participated in a single war against Israel. Ataturk was created by the victory given him through these Ephraimite countries thereby creating a Israel friendly Turkey!
Another interesting point, is that Churchill was demoted for his dismal part in the failure of the Gallipoli campaign. The same Churchill who was to give away about 80% what was supposed to be Israel, to Bedewin Nomads hailing from Saudi Arabia!
Let us not forget that Keith Murdoch, the father of the news king Robert, became famous for his news reporting as a result of this fight. He and his son's papers also helped somewhat in promoting a State for the Jews.
The Gallipoli story of heroism is also the story of HaShem behind the scene moving the Tribes in a way to help one another and in a hidden way towards their ultimate reunion! His hand in it all, is hidden in plain sight.
Over 40,000 Epraimites of the British Isles, nearly 8,000 Australians and New Zealanders and French bravely gave their lives. Over 60,000 Turks died as well. May their sacrifice not have been in vain but rather another crucial step in the reunited 12 tribe kingdom which equals global peace, prosperity and joy! May their memories be a blessing! May the Omnipresent Almighty G-d comfort their mourners with the rest of the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem!
Going further back into history, the Charge of the Light Brigade had everything to do with saving Jewish life and restoring us to the Land of Israel:
As historian Corelli Barnett said 'It is curious that the Charge of the light Brigade should loom so large in British Legend! Benjamin Disraeli of the House of Commons said, 'It was a feat of chivalry , fiery with consummate courage and bright with flashing courage' . William H. Russell War Correspondent said 'Surely that handful of men were not going to charge an army in position? Alas, it was but too true. Their desperate valor knew no bounds, and far indeed was it removed from its so-called better part, discretion!'
The hidden aspect of the charge is nothing less than heralding in of the End of Days and the hope for a fixed world, a better world, a redeemed world with the upcoming reunion of the Tribes. Judah has worked hard, sacrificed, seeded, plowed, etc! The time has come for Ten-Israel to come and harvest.
Proof is provided by Orthodox Jewish Scholars and many others from Biblical and ancient rabbinical sources. History, Greek and Roman texts, all demonstrate that the descendants of the exiled Israel eventually migrated to Western Europe, formed distinct nationalities, basically unaware of their Hebrew ancestry! (Genesis 22:17,27:28 -29, Isaiah 11:12, 41: 8 -9, 42 : 10, 12; 49:1, 6; Deuteronomy 33: 13 - 16, Numbers 24:5 -9; Hosea 2:8, Micah 5 :7 -9; Jer.30:3, Jer. 33:7, Jer. 31, Ezekiel 37:17- 22, Amos 9:9).
Why the very word Britain means in Hebrew BRIT (covenant) Am (nation)! The very word England references the word Egal in Hebrew, Aegel (diminutive of Angle) was a name for Ephraim (For exacting details look up the great Yair Davidy, The Tribes). The Saxons were content to call themselves 'Angels' or 'English'!
According to Oral and Written Biblical Torah sources; the nations that will help put Judah back on the map are indeed from Hebrew stock! They are the lost sheep, the castaways, and outcasts of Israel. There has been tremendous documentable work on the part of the above mentioned nations over the last 200 years to help return Judah back home!
The Charge inspired the people of Great Britain and the French people (Crest magnifique, it is magnificent, Marshal Pierre Bosquet cried out), to give their governments the green light to beat back the Russian bear.
The people basically all Christian had a hard time seeing the relevance of fighting for the Muslim enormous Turkish Ottoman Empire against the Christian Russians! They would only take a few pieces out of this often cruel, monstrous intercontinental fiefdom anyway. So why must we suffer?
The Allied forces of the Light rallied and pushed back the dangerous and ferocious bear. Despite a setback in forward defensive positions, the message was now clearly sent to Russia, namely that it could not crave up the Turkish Empire.
Those who ridicule the Charge simply do not see the greater picture. Britain like ancient Israel is lacking confidence, doubting itself, prepared to give up some of its freedoms, retreat, and surrender and appease. Along with this loss of pride and confidence people opt for a policy of appeasement, least resistance and no longer care to defend their country.
The only reason they have rights, free speech etc. is because of the spirit of the Light Brigade multiplied thousands of times that gave England the spunk to defeat or neutralize many enemies that would have ruled her. If not for such gumsion of the Light Brigade those arm chair critiques would have long ago been forced to be and speak exclusively French and later German and Russian !
If it had been left alone, they would have eventually taken a bite out of Palestine (the land of Israel), an important strategic and religious symbol to Russia.
At that time in Russia and the Ukraine there were sporadic pogroms of rape, spoil and murder. Just think back a bit and you might remember that Cossacks, led by Chelimeniesky murdered a 100,000 Jewish people in one year, destroying hundreds of communities. This was also the time of the forced induction into the Russian army of Jewish boys as young as 12, but often much younger in order to break their spirit and force them into the Russian version of Christianity (it did not work, the kids held fast)! The above was NOT incidental or accidental but OFFICIAL Russian policy!
At this time tremendous growth was being had in Israel, much building and expansion, all over the country .In fact the overwhelming majority of present day Muslims had come in two waves of foreign workers because of Christian and Jewish building! If Israel had been bitten off the Turkish Empire then the Jews there would have had a taste of what the Jews elsewhere in the Russian and Cossack Empire had tasted, namely, death, humiliation, terror and destruction!
Enter their brothers and sisters (Florence Nightingale et al) and Judah was saved! The mean Russian Bear would now be driven back and would not get its paws on the Jews of Israel to rip them apart.
By saving the Holy Land from falling to Russia (NOT an official goal of the conflict), the stage had been set. It would be relatively easy to liberate the Holy Land from Turkey in the future. Which is exactly what occurred? A little over 50 years later the Land would be taken from Turkey and eventually returned to its original owners, those to whom it had been promised (according to the KORAN, New Testament and Hebrew Bible).
Now the over 600 of the forces of light corresponds to the 600 myriads of the Hebrew nation in the wilderness. Every one of their names can be seen to have Hebrew roots! Also many of the numbers associated with the battle correspond to Hebrew tribal realities on a mathematical (Gematria) level.
Peculiar to the Charge was internal rivalries, enmity and rage among the leadership and between ethnic factions of the various soldiers. Two principal leaders were actually brothers in law and had a 30 year long quarrel between them. Petty and not so petty rivalries were also operative in ancient Hebrew military actions.
Additionally the entire episode was summed up by Major General the Earl of Cardigan (later promoted to inspector of the Cavalry) in the same kind of style and spirit of ancient Hebrew poet soldier warriors.
In London's Mansion House the General said: 'and who was fortunate enough to come out alive, must feel that it was only by a merciful decree of the Almighty Providence that he who escaped from the greatest apparent certainty of death'! Latter this statement was quoted in the House of Commons.'
The French were crucial in neutralizing enemy fire from the direction of the flank (they defeated many Cossacks, two half batteries, two infantry battalions on the Fedyukhin Heights)! They also secured important cover for the return of the surviving Light Brigade members.
Many giants of mind and soul, Rabbi \Sage explainers of Torah have linked 'Zarephath' in the Book of Obadiah to Briton and France, Gaul, Holland etc. (Abarbarnel, Iben Ezra, Ramban, Rashi, and Daas Sofrim).
In Calvin's 1566 Geneva Bible he says openly that the Jews mean that the Prophet Obadiah 1:20 refers to the French and the Dutch.
General d'Allonville who led Chasseurs d'Afrique actually has a Hebrew name Alon! This means strength, plains, tree or terebinth. The word immediately reminds us of Father Abraham waiting to give hospitality to strangers right after his covenantal circumcision (Gen.8;1). With a slightly different pronunciation the General's name is the same as the son of Zebulon (an important Tribe).
We can go on and on the allusions just do not stop.
We the Jewish people, the identifiable remnants of the Tribes are deeply indebted to our brothers and sisters, not yet clearly identifiable among the Western Nations.
The hidden aspect of the charge is nothing less than heralding in of the end of days and the hope for a fixed world, a better world, a redeemed world with the upcoming reunion of the Tribes. Judah has worked hard, sacrificed, seeded, plowed etc! The time has come for Ten Israel to come and harvest.
Only together, accepting each other and working in tandem, can the success, prosperity and enlightenment be assured of an easier process and path to peace, harmony and humanity's love for one another.
Forward the Light Brigade!
Honor the Light Brigade!