Old-Time Prejudice and Pseudo-Science
In the past we had quite a long article on Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson.
Findings of a Creationist Scientist on Race and Brit-Am DNA Understanding
We also had several notes of interest about this person. They may be seen by going to our web-site
and using the Search Engine that appears on almost every page.
In a Video Clip we mention Jeanson twice in a positive manner (14.20). This may have been a mistake.
Yair Davidiy: Creationism and DNA
Jeanson was also mentioned half-favorably in our article:
The Bible and Creationism.
Orthodox Jewish Rabbis and the Subject of Evolution/
We also posted a longish letter from Researcher Steve Phillips who had met Dr. Jeanson, found him a "nice" person, and seems to support his ideas or at least some of them.
Philips sometimes gets it right and sometimes does not. In the case of Jeanson he seems to have placed himself in the '"does not" category.
In our previous article
we exposed the defects of Jeanson but we did it in a "nice" way pointing out the "positive" effect he also may have had.
Some people seem to have misinterpreted our approach. There is little positive about it.
It is time to set the record straight.
The Background. Jeanson and Ken Ham.
Jeanson is an American of German and Italian parentage. He is married with children.
Jeanson after getting his PhD in 2009 began working for the Institute for Creation Research. This was headed by Ken Ham who apparently left it to create Answers in Genesis (AiG). Jeanson seems to have joined him.
"Kenneth Alfred Ham (born 20 October 1951) is an Australian Christian fundamentalist, young Earth creationist, apologist and former science teacher, living in the United States. He is the founder, CEO, and former president of Answers in Genesis (AiG), a Christian apologetics organisation that operates the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. "
They put out a newsletter that we receive. Some of the articles on Natural Science, replies to Evolutionists, etc., are of interest to us.
Ham introduces some of the Video Clips by Jeanson. Ham may also have interviewed Yair Davidiy a good few years ago but on our list of ca. 937 Brit-Am YouTube video clips we could not find it.
Jeanson contributes to AiG articles refuting claims that DNA supports Evolution Theory.
Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson also claims that the Jews, for whom he considers the Cohens to be representative, are of Turkish origin. This is false and derives from Christian Prejudice and Replacement Theology. It also shows a lack of having read what DNA does say on the subject. The Cohen s are only a small percentage of the Jewish People and have quite different DNA to most of them. Jeanson should know this. Jeanson may not be up-to-date with his own literature. There is no excuse for this. It only takes a glance at Wikipedia to know what mainstream sceince actually does say.
Jeansons also says that most Englishmen are descendants of black slaves who were brought to Britain in recent times (700 CE to the 1860s CE). Interesting nobody apart from Jeanson ever noticed this! wshere is the Literature? Who also even thought in this direction?
He also says that most Americans are actually of Mongol origin from Central Asua. They only look white!
Does Jeanson have an agenda? Does Ken Ham, his apparent sponsor? Or does he even comprehened what Jeanson is saying?
Findings of a Creationist Scientist on Race and Brit-Am DNA Understanding
DNA, Brit-Am, Dr. Jeanson, Dr. Dan, and David P. Neff.
Dr Nathaniel Jeanson presented evidence that the rate of DNA mutation in insects, etc, is much faster than Scientists previously claimed. Applying this rate of mutation to humans it would be quite easy for all of mankind to have originated from one person ca. 4500 years ago, i.e. the Time of Noah.
Experts filtered out high - quality DNA results because it did not meet their expectations BUT it does meet the Biblical Time-Table. Rate fits Time of the Flood 4,500 years ago.
Jeanson claims that in every generations there is a "click" i.e. a minor change in DNA allowing him to walk back to the beginning. By comparing differences from one group to another he can estimate the difference in generations between them.
Jeanson says he uses expensive high-quality DNA that gives better results that what all the others get. In principle he accepts DNA Theory but speeds up the rate-of-change Time Table bringing it in line with the Bible.
Jeanson in his books and Lectures does not really explain how he gets his answers. He just says what the answers are.
This in effect is a hoax using double-talk to mislead others.
The implications of the teaching of Jeanson contradict Brit-Am understanding and are against all other historical scenarios, especially conventional ones. They also contradict the Bible and Common Sense.
Brit-Am for its part also reaches non-conventiona conclusions though we mostly use conventionally accepted historical accounts but draw different conclusions at key points. Nearly Everything that Brit-Am says can be clarified from academically accepted sources.
Some of Jeanson's ideas may be correct. Others may have said the same in some cases before him and he is quoting them without acknolwedging it. . For instance he traces a portion of the Amerindians to recent migrations from Central Asia.
Others have said the same. For instance we noted:
Ethel G. Stewart, "The Dene and Na-Dene Indian Migration 1233 A.D.", (1991), who wrote about the northern Na-Dene Amerindian peoples being late-comers expelled from Northern China and Mongolia. The Na-Dene are now found in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Alaska, parts of Oregon, northern California, and the American Southwest as far as northern Mexico, including Apache and Navajo. This claim by Ethel G. Stewart is backed up by comparisons of mythology and other sources. There may be something to it. Jeanson also says the same, apparently repeating others. Unlike the others however Jeanson brings no proof or plausible explanation other than his say-so.
Jeanson frequently claims that some white peoples are of colored origin.
He claims for instance that most Englishmen are descendants of black slaves who were brought there in recent times (700 CE to 1860s CE).
He traces R1b (possessed by most people in Western Europe and North America) to Mongoloid Huns in recent times.
Jeanson says most Europeans are of relatively recent African descent. He also says elsewhere they came from Mongolia. One thing or the other.
it that what makes the British different, an African versus Mongol conflict? It that why they fought agaisnt his German and italian forebears in WW2?
Jeanson Claims that the dominant lineage (YDNA J) among the Jews is (according to him) not Jewish in origin.
Can we identify the Jews genetically? (Part 18)
Jeanson claims that the Islamic Ottoman Empire was responsible in the 1500s for the spread of Yhaplogroup J including among the Jews. He promises to explain more in coming episodes but (as far as we saw) does not do so but changes the subject.
31.56. Nevertheless, in one his books he attributes the overwhelming (actually only 30%) of the Jewish population by J YDNA to Turkish (Ottoman Empire) Janissaries (slave soldiers) impregnating Jewish women on a mass scale. He quotes no evidence for this. Even if it were true and it is not, the Janissaries however not overwhelming of J YDNA. The Janissaries were actually children of Christian subjects of the Ottomans who were brought up as Muslims.
# Janissaries began as elite corps made up through the dev irme system of child levy enslavement, by which indigenous European Christian boys from the Balkans (predominantly Albanians, Bulgarians, Croats, Greeks, Romanians, Serbs, and Ukrainians) were taken, levied, subjected to forced circumcision and forced conversion to Islam, and incorporated into the Ottoman army. #
Jeanson was apparently unaware of the non-Turkish oriign of the Janissaries. His historical research (at least that which he refers to) seems to be based on comparing maps and making guesses.
Jeanson in effect is regurgitating Replacement Theology. Jeanson is a retrogade Fundamentalist of the nasty type that resents the very existence of the Jewish People. He has an ingenuous manner and smile that allows him to say almost anything and get away with it. The Jews ot today are mainly descendants of Judah, and Benjamin, and Levi with representatives minorities from all the other Tribes. Jeanson doesn ot know this nor does he care.
The Best-Kept Secrets of DNA.
Creation science is quietly making groundbreaking discoveries.
by Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson on April 25, 2021
Jeanson says: ... the majority of Europeans, and the ancestors to today's Americans arrived in Europe from Central Asia during the Middle Ages.2 You could make the case that most Caucasian-Americans are, in a sense, Asian-Americans. They might not look Chinese, but DNA betrays the recent link.
The claims of Jeanson concerning the Jews are based on his mistaken appreciation of the Cohen Gene. Brit-Am has shown that findings concerning the CMH (Cohen Modal Haplotype) actually PROVE that DNA Haplotypes originate not only through Heredity BUT ALSO through direct environmental intrusions!
Jeanson is in effect denying the Truth of Prophecy that identifies the Jewish People with Judah.
Why The Jews Are Judah!
Jeanson also denies the Truth of Prophecy that identifies the Lost Ten Tribes with Western Peoples especially those of the English-speaking world.
On a more positive note: In his lectures Jeanson often refers to research papers by others that gave him the inspiration to make his often-wild guesses. On a few points he may have valid points. The association of Scandinavians with Arabs, for instance, may derive from DNA or historical information indicating a connection between Scandinations and the Middle East area. This could have something to it and might be worth looking into. There are a few other items here and there like that.