Tribal Attributes
Continued from: Sefiroth
Here are different sources associating each of the Tribes with one or other of the Sefiroth. The Differences of opinion are easily explainable. In the Bible we also find variations in the order the Tribes are listed in. This shows us that in some cases the Attributes can change. Overall the most reliable and probably the most authoritative of the opinions is the last one attributed to Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna.
Rabbi Shlomo Hakohen Rabinowicz (1801 - 1866), 1st Rebbe of the Radomsk Hasidim, "Tiferent Shlomoh," p. 575
Yosef has the aspect of Yisod who influences [supplies] all Israel.
Behold the Ten Tribes correspond to Ten Sephirot.
Rabbi Pinchas Menachem Alter (1926 - 1996), 7th Rabbi of Ger, "Pnei Menachem," VaYishlach p. 207.
The Bull is Yosef
The donkey is Issachar
Avraham Sid Ben Moshe, "BeChipazon," Hagadah Pesach, p.76
Benyamin Keter
Zebulon Chochman
Issachar Binah
Reuben Chesed
Simeon Gevurah
Levi Tiferet
Naftali Netsach
Dan Hod
Yosef Gad Yisod
Asher Malcut
Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, "Shem ve-Neshamah," p.52
Reuben Chesed
Simeon Gevurah
Levi Tiferet
Issachar Binah
Zebulon Chochmah
Benyamin Keter
Dan Hod
Naphtali Netzach
Gad Yisod
p. 53 The names of the Patriarchs and of the Tribes have their roots in the Ten Sephirot whose Foundations are found in Three [divisions]
Right: Chochman, Chesed, Netzach
Left: Binah, Gevurah, Hod
Middle from Top to bottom: Keter, Yisod, Malcut
Avraham -Chesed
Itschak -Gevurah
Yaakov -Tiferet
Moshe-Netsach Aharan-Hod
Yosef - Yisod
David - Malcut
Binyamin - Keter
Zebulon - Chochmah
Issachar - Binah
Reuben - Chesed
Simeon - Gevurah
Levi -Tiferet
Naftali - Netsach
Dan - Hod
Gad - Yisod
Yehudah - Malcut
Rabbi Eliezer Tzvi Safrin of Komarno (1830-1898), head of Komarno Hasidim.
Commentary "Damashek Eliezer" on Sefer HaZohar, VaYetsai, p. 158;a
Chesed - Drom
Gevurah - Tsafon
Tiferet Mizrach
Yisod Maarav
Netsach Above
Hod Below
These hint at the six sons of Leah:
Reuben Chesed
Simeon Gevurah
Levi Tiferet
Issachar Netsach
Zebulon Hod
Yehudah Yisod and Atarah
Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812), 1st Rabbi of Chabad, Likuti Torah VaYetsai, p. 90.
Reuben Chesed
Simeon Gevurah
Levi Tiferet
Yehudah Malcut
Issachar Chochmah
Yehudah Binah
Levi Daat
Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna (1720-1797), Leading Torah Authority of his Time, "Minchat Eliyahu," Macot Mitsraim
Binyamin - Keter
Zebulon - Chochmah
Issachar - Binah
Reuben - Gidilah [Chesed]
Simeon - Gevurah
Levi -Tiferet
Naftali - Netsach
Dan - Hod
Yosef and Gad - Yisod
Yehudah and Asher - Malcut
A Brief Explanation by Yair Davidiy not to be taken as authoritative.
Binyamin - Keter. Keter means "Crown." Here is the beginning. All the other Sephirot in a sense emanate from this.
Zebulon - Chochmah means "Wisdom."
Issachar - Binah means "Understanding, comprehension.
Reuben - Gidilah [Chesed] connotes Kindness, Giving.
Simeon - Gevurah indicates heroism, Severity
Levi -Tiferet connotes Flory, Praise
Naftali - Netsach suggests winning, guiding, conquering
Dan - Hod suggests leadership (Hod -Head), Responsiveness combined with Deciveness.
Yosef and Gad - Yisod means Foundation. All the others funnel their energies to Yisod who brings them all together and then passes it on to Judah.
Yehudah and Asher - Malcut means "Royalty, Kingdom, the final culmination."
We have above 9 Sefiroth with the last two each being shared by Two Tribes. the last two are also those the least generally agreed upon. Joiseph as Yisod and Yehudah as Malcut is universally accepted their sharing these Sephirot with Gad and Asher is a different story.