The Most Recent Articles and Regular Features Posted to this Site
Amnon Goldberg, "Germany and WW3." Why did the Holocaust Really Take Place?
Manasseh the Revolutionary. 2nd in Line, Follow-Up, Innovation
Agricultural Statistics. Figures Illustrate Biblical Blessings
Day of Reconciliation. Tu b'Av Celebration and Inter-Tribal Marriages
Quarrels within Joseph -2. The Disagreements of Ephraim and Manasseh by Rabbi Aryeh Katz as Summarized and Explained by Yair Davidiy
Quarrels within Joseph -1. The Disagreements of Ephraim and Manasseh by Rabbi Aryeh Katz as Summarized and Explained by Yair Davidiy
Hanseatic League. Notes and Background information
Ancient Names. Traces of Israelites in the North
Manasseh-3. Five Ways to Map Manasseh
Manasseh-2. More on the Land of Ancient Israel (especially Manasseh) in the Light of Research
Human Dolmen Faces. Recent Finds show Common Characteristics
Manasseh-1. The Land of Ancient Israel (especially Manasseh) in the Light of Research
Uniqueness of Joseph. Quotations from Rabbi Chaim Manis HaLevi
Zebulon Notes by Orjan Svensson
Zebulon Reconsidered. A Partial Summary of Recent Notes Concerning Zebulon and the Netherlands
Holy Name Summarized. Know what the Name is! Using or Not Using the Hebrew Name of God
Identifying Sidon. The Hanseatic League of Northern Germany
5 Main Identifiers. Five Simple Proofs that the Jews of Today are Judah of the Bible
Terry Blodgett: Hebrew and English. "Tracing the Dispersion," ca. 1994
Karl Rodosi, "Hebrew English Origins"
Sea Links. Ancient Middle East Settlements in the North Sea Area
Zebulon and Fishel Mael. The Tribe of Zebulon in Rabbinical Thought as Collated and Explained by Rabbi Fishel Mael
Zebulon and the Rabbis -1. The Tribe of Zebulon in Rabbinical Thought
Simeon - Rabbinical Sources-1. Jewish Commentaries Concerning Simeon
Steve Phillip, Manasseh and Celts. Hebrew Namesakes in Ancient Europe
Gad, Sweden, and Rabbis. Biblical and Rabbinical Sources and the Tribe of Gad
Israel and Japhet. Tracing the Ancestry of Modern National Groupings
Levi and War. The Levites did not usually serve as Conscripted Soldiers
Mourning Customs. Jewish - British Similarities? Note by Douglas Fell
Bert Otten and Dan. Identifying the Irish with the Tribe of Dan
The Welsh Language. Hebrew Traces in Celtic Tongues
Welsh and Hebrew. Charles Edwards (1675) Hebrew Words and Expressions Still Extant in the Welsh Tongue
Asher and the Rabbis. The Tribe of Asher in traditional Rabbinical Sources or works based on them.
Phoenicians Galore. Information of Interest.
Benjamin and the Rabbis-1. Characteristic of Benjamin in Rabbinical Writings
Simeon Exiled. Did Simeon go with the Ten Tribes or Remain with Judah?
Authorities on Sefiroth. Tribal Attributes
Brit-Am Versus Darwin. DNA Changes caused by DNA Transfer. Neither Evolution nor Classical Creationism!
The Holocaust Predicted-1 by Yair Davidiy
Killing Units Foretold by Amnon Goldberg
Clans of Tribes Genesis 46 and Numbers 26
Killing Units Foretold by Amnon Goldberg
Clans of Tribes Genesis 46 and Numbers 26
Census of Tribes. Numbers chs. 1 and 26
Israeli Citizenship? Five Main Points for Descendants of the Ten Tribes to Consider
Joseph and his Brothers. What Really Happened? - A Few Insights
Judah & Israel by A. Zephyr. Alex Zephyr Explains the Return of the Ten Tribes
Hatam Sofer, Ten Tribes. Messiah son of Joseph, An Important Rabbinical Source
The Deluge. Did the Flood Really Take Place? Is it Feasible?
Phillips, "Creationism," DNA and Evolution, by Steve Phillips
DNA Can Change! New DNA Revelation!
Khazars Overview. A Short Sketch
Rabbinical Chronology. Major Dates according to Mainstream Rabbinical Opinion versus Modern Estimations
Goths and TTs. Identification of the Lost Ten Tribes with Gothic peoples in Legendary Account
Rabbinics. An Outline of Known Jewish Sources Pertinent to Brit-Am Studies
Suffering. Why do the Righteous Suffer?
Hebraic Celts. The Celts called themselves "Hiberi" meaning "Hebrew!"
Love and Hate. The Ten Tribes in the Light of International Anti-Semitism
Joseph and the 10. A Rabbinical Source. Rabbi Shmuel Bornstein of Sochotchov (1856-1926)
Superiority? Are Descendants of Israelites among the Ten Tribes Better than other Peoples?
Physical Differences. Ephraim versus Manasseh in Biology?
Historical Social Differences. Ephraim (UK) versus Manasseh (USA)
Levis and Rabbinical Authority. Cohens and Levites. Biblical Tribal Prophecy in Action
The Name-Giving. How each of the Tribes received its name and what does this tell us?
Tribal Identity Colors? Individual Colors, Gem Stones, and Symbols Attributed to Each of the Tribes of Israel
Issachar Saphire. Has the Individual Gem Stone of the Tribe of Issachar been Discovered?
Tribal Stones. An Individual Gem Stone Attributed to Each of the Tribes
Gog and Magog Again by Alexander Zephyr
"USA and Israel Compared," by Daniel Strauss
Gate to China. Prophecy Still Fulfilled! "Gates of His Enemies." China Needs the USA
Scandinavia-Sources. Extracts from Wikipedia
Judgments. Parshat Mishpatim, Exodus chs. 21, 22, 23, 24.
Ephraim Repents. Biblical Prophecy about Ephraim.
Selected Insights from Rabbi Moses David Valle
Selected Insights from Rabbi Moses David Valle
Sambation in the West? Vilna Gaon Commentary
Afro-Americans. Population: Replies to Edward Jones no.1
Progress Report 2019. Brit-Am in Numbers
Splitting the Sea. Weekly Portion "Be-Shelach"
Is the Messiah God? Answers to Old Questions
Ten Tribes Identified. Joseph. Signs of Recognition from the Bible
Judah and Joseph Identified. Judah. Signs of Recognition from the Bible
Coming to Israel. Should One Seek to Live NOW in the Holy Land, or Not?
Philistines and Minoans. An Historical Study
Blessings to Esau. What was Predicted Concerning Edom?
Blessings to Jacob. The Lost Tribes in Biblical Blessings and Symbolism
Idumea and Jerusalem. Historical Notes
The Consecutive Order of Prophecies for the End Times.
Torah Quandary. Should Israelites from the Ten Tribes be Expected to Keep the Law
Moloch & Beltane. Israelite Origins Proven by Pagan Custom
One Language? Book: Hebrew-English. Notes for a future Pre-amble to a new work still in preparation.
Royal Melancholy. The Madness of Saul
Jews or Gentiles? Are Descendants of the Ten Tribes also Jews?
All 12. Judah-1. Tribal Characteristics. Are you from Judah?
Shiloh. A Biblical Site Worth Knowing About
Is Ivanka Jewish? Does the Land of Israel ALSO Belong to her by Ancestral write?