The Most Recent Articles and Regular Features Posted to this Site
Biblical Anointment of Trump?
Has Donald J. Trump been Divinely Consecrated?
Has Donald J. Trump been Divinely Consecrated?
The Yom Kippur War 51 years on.
bt Amnon Goldberg.
bt Amnon Goldberg.
Half of Manasseh?
The Riddle of the Half-Tribe of Manasseh.
The Riddle of the Half-Tribe of Manasseh.
Rabbi Alter: Complete Conquest.
Weekly Portion: The Ten Tribes Need to Help to Conquer the Land!
Weekly Portion: The Ten Tribes Need to Help to Conquer the Land!
Switzerland During WW2.
The Swiss - A Cheese with too Many Holes in it?
The Swiss - A Cheese with too Many Holes in it?
Sons of Joseph.
Did Joseph have other children?
Feld & Davidiy: Fables and Facts.
Holocaust Lessons by Avraham Feld with Brit-Am Commentary.
America in Prophecy.
An Outline. Subjects discussed in "Joseph USA," 2024.
Joseph: Eye of Providence.
Explanation of the cover of "Joseph USA," 2024.
Saul Meets Samuel. The Tabernacle is now HIDDEN inside the Temple Mount!
Stephen Phillips with BAC.
British History. Commentary on the work of Stephen Phillips (SP) by Yair Davidiy of Brit-Am (BAC).
"Esau in Europe. Linguistic Evidence helps trace descendants of Edom," by Stephen Phillips.
"A Coming Re-Gathering."
"The Return of the Ten Tribes is Still to Take Place," by Alex Zephyr.
The Magical Five. Brit-Am Criteria in Action.
The Divine Plan. Why did the Ten Tribes Get Lost?
Return of Ephraim. Can I come to Israel now?
On One Leg-3.Brit-Am Rabbinical and Related Sources. EPHRAIM AND MANASSEH. Britain and America.
Mark McGee. "Inheriting the Land."
"On One Leg." Brit-Am Rabbinical and Related Sources.
"Predictions that Foretold the Coming Disaster" by Amnon Goldberg.
Joseph the Hebrew. Hebraic Traits Characteristic of Descendants of Joseph.
Hosea of Reuben. Prophecies Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes
Observance or Not? Should "Ephraimites" Keep their own version of the Torah?
The Rothschilds and Israel. The Jews and British Together Created the State of Israel
A Few Words
Macha and Maacah. Ancient Irish Mythology and the Hebrews.l
Persia in Prophecy. Elam-Iran in the Bible.
Swiss Finns. Switzerland and Finland from the Tribe of Issachar.
Future Realms. Ten Tribes Coming Back. Where will they go?
Britain as Joseph. Historical Roles we were unaware of.
Judah & Joseph. Repentance and Return.
The Ten Tribes and the Tudor Rose.
A Symbol of Israel was also a Symbol of the Kingdom of England
Ten Tribes to be Redeemed?
Will "Israel" (the Ten Tribes) all be gathered in before Judah?
"Vengeance is Coming!" "The fate of the nations that will attack Israel".
Philistine-Canaan. The Needed Expulsion of the Philistines Canaanites.
Zephyr: Philistines Punished! "Gaza War and Bible's Prophecies," by Alexander Zephyr
13 States - 13 Tribes.The Foundational Elements.
Move Gaza Away! Need to Transfer the Palestinian Philistines.
More China and Gaza. Is China aiming at world domination?
Friends and Enemies.Biblical Identifications of Potential Allies and Adversaries.
Gutav Vasa, King of Sweden. Comparisons to King David by Orjan Svennsson
"Born Wild!. Yishmael and Terror" (1994) by Amnon Goldberg
Tasks of Joseph.
More about the Duties of the Ten Tribes in Our Times. Different Sources.