Details Concerning Books Available
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List of Available Publications with Short descriptions and Up -to-date Prices.
For more details go to Brit-Am Publications and follow the links concerning whatever book you may be interested in.
This enterprise operates from out of both Israel and our outlet in the USA.
Prices include everything i.e. handling and shipping (and outside of the USA and Israel, Airmail) to anywhere in the world.
1. Ephraim- The Gentile Children of Israel" 4th edition $25.00
Traces the Lost Tribes to the west with an emphasis on Jewish traditions as they intertwine and complement those of the Celts in the west.
2. The Tribes - The Israelite Origins of Western Peoples" 4th edition.$30.00
Proves from Biblical, rabbinical, and secular sources that the Ten Tribes are in the west and shows where descendants of specific individual Israelite Tribes are concentrated.
3. Chosen People. The Descendants of Joseph and the Ten Tribes among English-Speaking Nations and the Jews of Judah $20.00
Shows the differences between Judah and the Ten Tribes and the separate tasks of each.
4. Esau. Edomites Today $35.00
Proves that descendants of Edom are important in the word today, that they played an important role in the past (Sparta, Venice, Germany, Russia, Japan, etc) and that they may be dominant in the future.
5. Edom and Germany $25.00
Shows the historical domination of the German peoples by Edomites and what effect it had in history. Also shows how Edomites ruled over Israelites from the Ten Tribes in the past and still have influence today.
Traces the Ten Tribes to Celtic peoples in the west emphasizing archaeology, mythology, and historical records.
7. To Rule the World - How the British and Americans Proved they Descend from Joseph and the Ten Tribes of Israel $20.00
Israelite Tribes (especially those of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh) became dominant among the English-speaking peoples.
The role played by these peoples in the past and also in our own time proves (in great detail) their identification, according to the Bible, with the Tribes of Joseph.
8. Origin - You too are from Israel! You too are the People $10.00
A subsidized work selling at the moment at an especially low price. Summarizes much of the research proving the Lost Ten Tribes to be in the west. Discusses recent archaeological findings relevant to the subject. Also goes through each of the Prophets and analyzes those messages especially pertinent to the lost Ten Tribes of Israel.
Using a combination of sources this work shows how the USA fulfills the role of Joseph and the Lost Ten Tribes.
10. Biblical Truth- The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel in the West according to the Book of Genesis $15.00
Goes through the Book of Genesis and discusses all verses pertinent to identifying the lost Ten Tribes in our time.
This is an anthology of articles linked by a common thread concerning Prophecy, the Name of God, Ruth the Moabitess, Joseph and the Future, Rabbinical Authority, etc.
12. Scandinavian Secrets - The Hebrew Code of the Runes by Orjan Svensson $25.00.
Proves that Israelites went to Scandinavia (among other places) by analyzing Runic Inscriptions including their linguistic and mathematical significance.
13. Achim Acherim - The Other Brothers. The Lost Ten Tribes in the West HEBREW EDITION $10.00.
This is a Hebrew language version of the work "Origin" described above.