Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy (11 January 2018, 24 Tevet, 5778)
What would have happened if America annexed land in Iraq after we conquered that country and sent American settlers to live there, like Israel is doing in Palestine?

If America had have sent settlers into part of Iraq it may have been better for Iraq as well as for America and the world in general. Who knows?
Historically the USA did annex lands it had conquered (e.g. Texas, etc) in North America and it did send settlers there.
US Territorial Acquisition
1848:Mexican Cession
Ceded to the US by Mexico following the Mexican-American War.Â
It includes all of the present-day states of California, Nevada, and Utah, as well as the portions of Arizona,
Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming.
Mexico lost about half of its national territory.
We thus have the USA as it now exists. Whether that was a good or bad thing depends on how you think. In my opinion it was good. There is not a nation in the world that has not benefited by aid from the USA. If you think it was negative you could always suggest that the nations receiving the assistance give what they got back.
United States territorial acquisitions