Three Mini-Article. Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy (11 July 2017, 17 Tammuz, 5777)
Article no.1
The President of the USA came in behind them. I do not think ANYONE really expects the President of the USA to have stood there at the back where nobody could see him.
If the President had not been there how newsworthy would the event have been?
If the President as he slipped by, minimizing contact, had not gently and inoffensively nudged the PM of Montenegro would anybody have noticed the presence of the PM?
Where is Montenegro?

Montenegro is between Bosnia and Albania on what used to be the coast of Yugoslavia.
How many of you knew that before the incident?
PM Markovic may well have been pleased with the attention.
Would you not have been?
If no offence had been intended, and if no offence had been taken initially, then what then?
Perhaps all those taking umbrage are themselves being offensive?
It happens that an interchange takes place between one person and another. No-one has been offended BUT a third person for some reason decides that one of them should feel so.
The third party then intervenes or goes and tells others.
This has happened to me and probably to most people as well.
In such a case I felt insulted by the third party.
Montenegro is now being presented as a nation whose PM has been pushed around when in fact nothing really happened!
On the contrary.

This man continues to be an embarrassment to us all.
If you look at it closely he did not shove him rudely but rather gently nudged him.
The movement of his hand on the arm of the PM is not one associated with shoving.
It is one of minimizing contact while sending a message not to take offence.
The answer to this question by Debra A. Brown with the video clip and explanation shows that nobody was pushed out of the way.
Even without that it does not look so offensive as the media is presenting it.
The way was blocked, everybody was expecting President Trump to come to the central point. He was supposed to be the focus of the event.
He had to get to the front.
He passed by the right shoulder of Dusko Markovic and with his right hand seems to have gently nudged Dusko to let him (Trump) pass by.
There does not seem to be any excessive force or hint of it.
How else does one move through a tightly packed gathering?
How do they do it in Montenegro?
In New York?
I cannot see anything insulting here.
Neither it appears does PM Markovic.
On the contrary the PM of Montenegro may have been flattered that the President of the USA was relating to him almost apologetically, as a colleague.
In fact from the expression on Donald Trump's face it may be that whoever was organizing the event had fallen down.
Perhaps the President of the USA (who everybody expected to come to the fore of the public appearance) should not have had to weave his way through the crowd?
It happened quite quickly. It is hard to see what actually happened BUT it would seem the President has slightly elevated his hand and placed his outspread fingers on the arm of PM Markovic. This is not a movement to exert pressure but rather to minimize contact.
Whatever the case it was not a big deal either way. Nor it should be treated as such.
More serious matters should concern all of us.