Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy
Are reports claiming that former President Barack Hussein Obama is homosexual correct?

Many of those who engage in homosexuals acts are also heterosexuals, are married, and often have children. Speeches made by both Obama and his wife, Michelle, show a strong support for homosexual rights. They have gone out of their way to stress their sympathy for homosexuals. Neither would consider the engagement in homosexual actions to be reprehensible. Granted, Obama likes women and had several affairs with females before he married. On the other hand, it is also alleged that he had homosexual encounters. Books have been written about it.
While also at Occidental, Barack became close friends with openly gay assistant professor Lawrence Goldyn.
They spent time together beyond the classroom and Obama has described Goldyn as'my favourite professor' at college.
In a letter to one girlfriend it is said Obama went even further saying he'd considered having a gay relationship.
Obama did a lot for the Gay community.
12 Amazing Things President Obama Has Done For The LGBT Community
' at African summit: Accept homosexuality or else
' Obama Proclaims LGBT Pride Month
It could be that all the articles and books about Obama being a homosexual are wrong. The hundreds of anecdotes and assertions coming from numerous directions may be all false. Obama often spoke protecting the rights of black people for what he considered to be victimization. In specific cases the justice of his judgments are alleged to have been questionable. This was however perhaps understandable. Obama took a similar stance concerning homosexuals.'
' Why was it so important to him?'