Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy
Why does Trump wear red ties with a white shirt?

President Donald Trump wears all kinds of ties. I have seen black ties, blue ties, pink ties, purple ties, blue and white striped ties, different shades of blue, white and red striped ties, as well as red ties.
There are professional dress experts who advise on such matters. It could be that the ties are variegated according to the message. PM Netanyahu also varies his ties. So do they all. News commentators in Israel sometimes remark on what color tie Netanyahu was wearing when he gave a speech or made an appearance. They try to infer from the tie color what subliminal message was intended. I assume in the USA it is the same, possibly even more so.
A red tie is often considered suitable for an aggressively assertive message.
It may be that when Trump wants to debate and start of from an even footing he wears a blue tie. When he wishes to show he is in charge from the start he wears a red tie.
During his visit in Israel I think Trump never once had a completely red tie. He had blue ties, or black ties, or red and white striped ones. When Netanyahu went to the USA to visit Trump at the White House he wore a blue tie and Trump a blue tie with thin white stripes. Another time also at Trump Towers. the colors were changed to red and white stripes for Trump and red for Netanyahu.
When Trump came to Israel he changed his ties at least once a day but on landing he had a red and white striped tie whereas Netanyahu had a red one.

On one occasion the two had different colored ties Netanyahu with blue and trump with red and white stripes. It had apparently been agreed that for that appearance Trump should be dominant speaker.

Apparently their dress advisers had been co-ordinating. Did the colors have significance? At a vist toYad VeShem they both had bluish ties.

Trump often wears red ties with a dark blue suit and white shirt. This brings out the red, white, and blue message and the colors of the USA.

Many Americans do not like their President. Nevertheless, he and his wife look good. Their clothing in my opinion is very well tailored and they wear it well. They have class in that respect. Give them credit.