Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy
How many people are genetically proven with DNA evidence to be descendants of King David?

There are many people who believe they are descended from King David. The family of Yossi Dayan (originally from Aleppo/Halab in Syria) has a documented family tree through the male line reaching back to King David.
David Hughes in Britain has also done much work comparing different genealogies for the Family of David. So have others.
Susan Roth has an organization that collects data on these matters.Â
Davidic Dynasty
I understand that the organization ("Eshet Chayil") of Susan Roth once attempted to obtain DNA from claimants to being descended from David.
The results seem to have been too diverse for any firm conclusions to be made. I may be wrong. Information is still being collated.
It was prophesied that the offspring of David would be very numerous:
Jeremiah (NASB) 33:
19 The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah, saying, 20 “Thus says the LORD, 'If you can break My covenant for the day and My covenant for the night, so that day and night will not be at their appointed time, 21 then My covenant may also be broken with David My servant so that he will not have a son to reign on his throne, and with the Levitical priests, My ministers. 22 As the host of heaven cannot be counted and the sand of the sea cannot be measured, so I will multiply the descendants of David My servant and the Levites who minister to Me.'
David had many sons and several wives. His son, Solomon, may have been even more prolific. So too, with they who came after them. Not only in the Tribe of Judah were descendants of David to be found. Indications are that additional dynasties and noble families from David set themselves up among the other tribes as well.
2-Samuel 8:
15 So David reigned over all Israel...18 ....and David's sons were chief ministers.
This could be understood to imply that Sons of David were appointed as administrators over all Israel. It could be compared to the Normans in England branching off into Scotland and Ireland by invitation and/or imposition. An Aramaic inscription mentions a "House of David" somehow in connection with Dan in the Galilee (Biran p.277). A replica of the inscription is to be see at "Bait Shmuel" in Jerusalem.
Other possibilities exist.
The Khazars were referred to by the Arabs (who at that time neighbored them) by a name meaning "Yishai" indicating that they may have been ruled by a scion of the House of Yishai i.e. of David.
Arthur J. Zuckerman (A Jewish Princedom in Feudal France, 768-900, New York, 1972) describes a semi-autonomous principality in Narbonne (southern France) that was once ruled by a Jewish Prince of the House of David. The offspring of this ruler intermarried with the aristocracy and Royal Line of France and these with that of Normandy, Scotland, and England.