Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy (13 November 2017, 24 Heshvan, 5778)
Why isn't it possible to debate the evidence for a deliberate plan in Nazi Germany to exterminate all Jews without being called a Holocaust denier?

There was a universal marginalizing, victimization, and isolation of Jews in the west sending them eastward where they were killed. In the east the Jews were either rounded up on the spot and shot, or placed in ghettos where many died of hunger and disease or random killing. Those who remained alive were sent to concentration camps where they were mostly gassed on the spot apart from a few who were worked to death, or labored for a while before being executed like the others. Towards the end there were Death Marches.These involved the prisoners of concentration camps liable to be soon liberated by advancing Russians. They were force marched in such a way that many died on the way or were shot by the wayside. The killing was still going on right up to the German surrender and even after it. This was all organized and part of a planned systematic execution.
NEVERTHELESS, you are right to question the real significance of this planning!
It would not have worked without the spontaneous, fanatically dedicated, and enthusiastic participation of the German people of all ranks and stations. Explaining the Holocaust by the existence of an ideology and a plan and orders that were given etc, belies the reality. There was an element of cannibalistic blood thirst wanting to kill Jews.
Germans do not like to admit this.
Even the Jewish victims do not like to admit that is what they were facing. That there is someone on the face of this earth who wants to kill you is troublesome. Perhaps there is something wrong with you?
Why else would they want to exterminate you?
They also wanted to kill and exterminate others including the weak among themselves BUT you had Priority!
Were you born this way?
Do you have an inborn disability that requires a drastic solution? Either there is something wrong with you OR there is something the matter with the people who want to kill you!
Either way it makes the world look different.
How does one cope with this?
Let us all pretend that it was long ago. The Germans today are different. The world has changed. Now we have the State of Israel. Many people would want to see Israel disappear. Those few who would not want to see the State of Israel go under mostly consider themselves more enlightened. They just want the State of Israel to give up the few lands it has and quietly allow the Arabs to cut the throat of those few Jews who still might remain here after an enlightened Peace Process gets under way.