Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy (5 November 2017, 15 Heshbon, 5778)
Your life depends on you finding as many ways as you can that Hitler was a good person. What do you say?

Adolf only wanted to appease his affliction in the gonads. He had to do something all the time since his balls (i.e. ball in the singular) aggravated him constantly. A person who has problematical testicles needs consideration. AH had been abused and so he abused others. Millions have done the same. There is a kind of brotherhood behind them.
Adolf had charisma and gumption. The others only said extreme things but AH acted them out. AH epitomized the German craving to be somebody. He came to embody Germany or rather Germanicism.
AH was usually faithful to his friends. He looked after them and ignored scandalous reports about them. AH had progressive views concerning homosexuals and perverts. These days this is considered a good thing. AH practised perversions of various kinds and provided employment to others who did so. One could say he was innovative and tried things most perverts only dream of. AH could be called a trail-breaker. AH did this by keeping it within the boundaries that German correctness of the time could tolerate. When the good friend of AH, Ernst Roehm, tried to make homosexuality a recognized valid third way to work alongside heterosexuals AH had him shot. Friends may be friends but confusing the main issues is not friendly. AH liked dogs and little children especially blond ones. He, or at least the Nazi government under him, enacted laws against Cruelty to Animals at the same time as they issued the Nuremberg Laws marginalizing the Jews as a preparation to their extermination. AH had priorities. AH was very widely read and of above average intelligence. He was not discriminatory in his reading nor in his beliefs. Alongside some very serious works he also read widely eccentric tracts and accepted ideas that today we would think somewhat fantastic. AH had a good mimic appreciation of music and of art. Some of his paintings are not bad even though the lack of focus amidst occasional great detail indicates a kind of insanity. AH was not overduly gullible. He knew in his heart that much of what he preached was false and had contempt for the crowds who cheered for him. He also had a kind of perverse honesty in recognizing points of historic truth. For example, The German Army had spread the falsehood that the Jews had been shirkers in World War 1. This was not true. The pre-Nazi Wiemar Republic authorities based on the Germany Army claims had reduced the pension paid to German Jewish veterans to below that of the rate given to German Gentiles. When AH came to power he admitted that German Jews had served as much as German Gentiles and raised the pension paid to German Jewish veterans making it equal to that of everybody else. This was shortly before excluding the Jewish Jews from all rights altogether including the right to live. Nevertheless the gesture had been made. AH was not overawed with the Military nor with the Aristocracy and looked on them with disdain. AH was a good shot. He was handy with a pistol. As a youth he had had much practice shooting rats in a local graveyard. AH used his pistol on his niece who had been his sex-slave and then betrayed him. He also shot at least one of his Gauleiter underlings and probably others as well. AH could be extremely vindictive and cruel towards they who showed him disrespect but he also knew how to overlook what others would consider insubordination. Most women involved with AH died in mysterious circumstances but it should be remembered that AH was only human. AH wanted to kill as many people as possible and exterminate as many of the Jews as he could. This however was a German trait. Julius Caesar tells us how the German Suebi federation considered it a point of honor that no one was living for several hundred miles to the east of them. They had killed them all or driven them away. This was a German thing and AH presented himself as a German from Austria near the border with Czechoslovakia.