Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy (28 September 2017, 8 Tishrei, 5778)
Hitler allegedly had a micropenis, suffered from chronic flatulence, was a proctophile, a homosexual, and a Jew. These claims are unlikely to all be true. Which are most likely?

You mentioned five claims concerning Adolph Hitler:
1. Micropenis. He lacked a gonad.
He also suffered from a condition known as hypospadias, a condition that can leave a man with a 'micro-penis'.
See: Did Hitler have a micro-penis?
Adolf Hitler really did have only one ball, according to new medical report had an undescended testicle on the right side, according to Prof Peter Fleischmann of Erlangen-Nuremberg University.
On November 12, 1923, Hitler had to undergo the indignity of a medical examination on his arrival at Landsberg prison.
The records of that examination were long thought lost, until they surfaced at an auction in 2010.
They were promptly confiscated by the Bavarian government and have only now been properly studied.
Dr Josef Steiner Brin, the prison's medical officer's notes record 'Adolf Hitler, artist, recently writer' as 'healthy and strong, but suffering from 'right-side cryptorchidism'.
' Cryptorchidism is when the testicle fails to descend properly.
'The testicle was probably stunted,' Prof Fleischman said.
Other reports contradict this but some of them are suspect.
Dr. Bloch for instance , the Hitler family doctor, who treated his mother claimed that Hitler had normal testicles. Bloch also described his mother as a quiet religious woman thus throwing researchers off a potentially significant thread.
'The woman in question engaged in illicit sex with Alois the putative father of Adolf, contemplated having an abortion, and has several unexplained lacunae in her biography. She belonged to the Roman Catholic Church and Catholics are not supposed to act that way.
2. Chronic Flatulence.
Chronic Flatulence has been testified by several of those in his entourage. The stench was described as overwhelming.
This could suggest incontinence alongside flatulence.
Anal sex linked to increased risk of incontinence
' by Lisa Rapaport
' (Reuters Health) - Anal sex may be linked to an increased risk of incontinence, particularly among men who have sex with men, a U.S. study suggests.
3. Protocophile? You mean coprophile.'
You would ask female to defecate over him etc.
There are testimonies from numerous divergent sources in this direction.
4. Homosexual
He probably preferred females. Due to his condition and history however he had engaged in numerous homosexual encounters apparently as a catamite (passive) partner.
He was also accused of sexual molestation by a member of the Wagner family.
See: The Hidden Fuhrer: Debating the Enigma of Hitler's Sexuality
5. Was Hitler Jewish?
Hitler was not a Jew. All searches for a possibly Jewish link have concentrated on the genealogy of Alois Hitler, the assumed father of Adolph.
The real connected may however have been through his mother, Klara.
It could be that his mother had had sex with a Jew. In the mind of Hitler this would have irretrievably polluted his lineage no mater who his biological father was.
This sounds incredible to us today but it is what Hitler believed and wrote about.
It was considered scientific at the time. Even Charles Darwin (the Evolutionists) held similar notions.
See "The Aryan myth : a history of racist and nationalist ideas in Europe" by Leon Poliakov, 1974, for an explanation in the notes and for references.