Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy
What were Germany's objectives in North Africa?
The main objective of the Germans in North Africa was to defeat the Allies there so that the Nazis could then exterminate the Jews of North Africa and Egypt after which they were to kill all the Jews in Palestine.
# Haj Amin Husseini, the leader of the Arab revolt against Great Britain in Palestine, and Rashid Ali Gailani, the leader of the pro-Nazi revolt in Iraq, shared the same anti-Semitic view of all Jews, not just Zionists, as did the National Socialists. The authors conclude that the Nazi regime tried much more concretely than previously supposed to physically destroy the Jews of Palestine, and that this objective would have received widespread and active support from the Arabs. #
#... the common value of Jew-hating and anti-Zionism made Palestine a ripe prize and rallying point both strategically and politically for Islamists, Arab nationalists, and Nazis #
#... a shocking and dangerously revealing story of a significant threat to the world reflected in the relevance of Nazi ideology and Nazi values to many Arabs. We hear in modern voices rising from Palestine and the Middle East repetitions of those genocidal threats that seem to have been coined in the 1930s and ‘40s. "Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews of Palestine,"

Gerhard Weinberg:
"A second myth is the separation of the war from the Holocaust. Hitler did not plan the invasion of France because the French did not let him visit Paris (8.42); ...there was purpose to the war Germany initiated. That purpose was a demographic revolution on the globe of which killing all Jews was a central point (9.05). Erwin Rommel was first sent to North Africa to salvage Mussolini's hold on Libya... He was to arrange the (9.21) killing of all Jews in Egypt, Palestine, and elsewhere in the Middle East with the murder commando at his headquarters. Hitler did not trust the Italians, who were to get the area, to carry out this important mission (9.35)..."Gerhard Weinberg: "World War II Myths, Misconceptions and Surprises," GCMarshallFoundation