Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy (30 January 2018, 14 Shevet, 5778)
Did Nazis of the 3rd Reich have any opinion on redheads and their "Aryaness"?

Traditionally Germans considered Red Hair to be a Jewish trait even though it is also found among non-Jews including Germans. Andrew Colin Gow, "The Red Jews. Anti-Semitism in an Apocalyptic Age 1200-1600," NY 1995, speaks somewhat on this subject. The Lost Ten Tribes in Germanic writings were called "Red Jews." They were described as all having Red Hair. In the Middle Ages, especially in Germany, Red Hair was considered a negative characteristic. It was associated with the Jews and with Judas. Both the Anti-Christ and Judas were depicted as both having red hair and as coming from the Tribe of Dan. In Germany the Jews were believed to be in league with the devil and to be plotting with the "Red Jews" meaning the Ten Tribes to overthrow Christendom.
A very High proportion of red-heads among Jews were reported in "Galicia" (ca. Ukraine and Rumania) in Eastern Europe. Esau (Genesis 25:25) and David (1-Samuel 16:12, 17:42) were both described as Red Haired. [A red-headed person in Hebrew is called as "Admoni." This is often translated as meaning "ruddy" but in Jewish tradition it refers to red hair.] Paradoxically many Germans may be descended from Esau though not that many are now red haired. The god Thor was sometimes described as being red-haired. Red hair is common in Ireland and Scotland. It is also not uncommon in Norway. [The Irish king, Nial of the Nine Hostages, reportedly conquered Norway and the red hair may come from him.] The Nazis had nothing against Red Hair per se. Hitler is reported as being critical of Nazi enthusiasts who emphasized the value of being blond. Anecdotal evidence also reports Hitler as having made negative remarks about red heads. He also considered left-handed people to be impaired. The views of Adolf are very important but in matters of race he was sometimes lagging behind his more enthusiastic followers.