Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy (16 November 2017, 27 Heshvan, 5778)
Some people say Hitler is alive? Is that true?

The photo is that of a skull fragment once believed to be that of Adolf Hitler. It turned out to be belong to a woman. Why has nobody yet asked:
Was Hitler (known to some as 'Fraulein Adolf') a transgender female?
The present question is:
Some people say Hitler is alive? Is that true?
We answered a similar question before. Others have also answered it on several occasions and in different forms. Hitler would now be 129 years old if he was still alive. Towards the end he was wounded, drug addicted, confused, delusional, and sick. The accounts of those around him concerning his suicide etc., seem reliable. This is despite the skull attributed to Adolf that actually was that of a female.
Nevertheless, even if something had been fabricated and he was saved the chances are that his followers would later have terminated his existence.
He had become an embarrassment and a liability.
Nevertheless, the question raises certain questions:
The former followers and Nazi war-criminals were re-located with the help of the Papacy and certain Catholic religious orders. They were re-settled in Latin America apart from some who managed to live reasonably comfortable lives in West Germany, France, Spain, Ireland, and elsewhere. Arab Muslim countries also took in quite a few but on an individual basis. The Latin Americans seemed to have been encouraging a re-settlement on an ethnic basis. It was apparently envisioned that something would remain of the attempt to impose a NEW ORDER on Europe.
The question should be not so much,
"Is Hitler alive?"
But rather:
What remains of the vision Hitler embodied in the minds of his followers?
Why did the Catholic Church save Nazis even though they had persecuted the Church and sent numerous priests to their death?
Maybe it does not matter.
We all deal with the reality we come up against on a day to day basis.
Enemies of the State of Israel in effect wish to continue the work of Hitler.
What are we doing to stop them?