Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy (30 January 2018, 14 Shevet, 5778)
Why can't Judaism and Israel be challenged or held accountable for anything if virtually every other country on earth is scrutinized for its actions?

The picture shows one of the numerous votes against Israel in the UN. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE NATIONS voting against Israel has a WORSE TRACK RECORD than Israel has. The Jews as usual are being blamed for the sins of others!
The Jews have been persecuted throughout the ages. They were accused of everything under the sun whereas in fact they had usually done nothing.
It was in fact their accusers who were the guilty party.
It would seem the question should be reversed,
Why are the Jews and Israel challenged or held accountable for everything (when they have done nothing) whereas no-one else is?
Isaiah (NASB) 53:
4 Surely our griefs he himself bore,
And our sorrows he carried;
Yet we ourselves esteemed him stricken,
Smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced through for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
The chastening for our well-being fell upon him,
And by His scourging we are healed.
6 All of us like sheep have gone astray,
Each of us has turned to his own way;
But the LORD has caused the iniquity of us all
To fall on him.
Recently 128 countries (out of 193 member nations) voted against the USA and in effect against Israel (on 21 December 2017) over the question of Jerusalem.
See our answer:
Are most gentile nations basically anti-Israel? Is the recent UN vote a testimony to this?
EVERY single nation on the list of those who voted against Israel has done more criminal offences against humanity than the Jews or Israel ever have!
Nearly every Muslim nation connives at the practice of slavery and barbaric punishments and unjust concepts of social judgment. In Sweden women are raped. The Irish have supported terror in other countries and are against the Jews. In Japan past atrocities are justified, minorities are treated very badly. The same applies for most of Asia. In China minorities and dissidents are oppressed or killed out or otherwise mistreated. Human organs from condemned religious adherents are available on demand courtesy of the Chinese government. In Germany the authorities are often closet Nazis. The same may be said of Austria, Croatia, and the Baltic states. Russia discriminates against some of its minorities. Spain mistreats its own people and provincials. In Africa women are raped, people are killed and sometimes eaten, slavery runs rampant. Minorities are persecuted and occasionally eliminated altogether. In Africa a war of extermination is waged against the pygmies because they are smaller, vulnerable, and therefore easy victims.
Every where you go, one after another, nearly all the nations are culpable of what they accuse Israel of yet in reality Israel alone is NOT to blame.
These are things that are not usually said since they are not socially acceptable.
They are matters that little can be done about and therefore it is considered better to not say anything.
Perhaps it is time that something be said?