Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy (6 November 2017, 16 Heshbon, 5778)
What reasons do people give for hating Jews?

People say they hate Jews because Jews are human. Jews can have good and bad points like everybody else. They can be irritating like everybody else. Mostly, compared to everybody else, they are on most points an improvement on the usual product. There are exceptions. Jews also often stand out a little more than others.
There are people who do not like them. As justification for this dislike they will use points that may apply to some Jews some of the time. Objectively it will nearly always be the non-Jews who are most to blame when blame needs to be apportioned. They who dislike the Jews however are not objective. In other words they who hate Jews will give the same reasons they have for hating anybody. They will claim the Jews have more of whatever it is they consider opprobrious. The claims however will not usually check out when objectively examined. Therefore the true reason must lie elsewhere.
Some of those who dislike Jews believe in Conspiracy Theories. This is where all the hatreds come together. The Great Conspirator in the Sky arranges things. Many dislike this arrangement.
The Jews are the Chosen People of God.
They who in their heart hate God also hate the Jews.