Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy (30 January 2018, 14 Shevet, 5778)
Do you hold the whole Europe responsible for the Holocaust or just Germany? Why?

The map shows anti-Semitism in Germany before WW2. Anti-Semitism gave rise to the Holocaust BUT it is not the only factor. There were places where Jews were hated more than they were in Germany. There are those who watch porn and never do anything. Others commit incest and rape etc., and then say the porn influenced them.
It probably did.
Likewise in Europe before the Holocaust anti-semitism was almost respectable. It is still to be found in scientific and historical works dating from that period.
So too, today in intellectual circles many are against the State of Israel just for the sake of it. When World War-2 broke out many non-Germans assisted the Nazis in hunting Jews down. Numerous other countries refused to accept Jewish refugees fleeing for their lives. Today they receive Muslim immigrants with open arms and vote against Israel in the UN while making platitudinous remarks that are motivated by anti-Jewish sentiment.
On the other hand many Gentiles helped the Jews. They fought for them. The historian A.J.P. Taylor said that the treatment of the Jews by Germany was the most important factor that turned the British public against the Germans. That is what kept Britain in the War. That is therefore what won the war.
Even today most Germans are anti-Jewish. On the other hand the majority of Britishers hold positive feeling towards Jews yet the Media and the Academia are against them. The UK voted against Israel and Jerusalem. Ireland voted against Israel and Jerusalem. Unfortunately, we did not expect anything else from the Emerald isle. The UK however once in a blue moon does do the right thing though this time it did not. It went with the world to the Edge of Perdition. The world voted against Israel and Jerusalem. Judge for yourself. The forces of evil are everywhere and often take control. We may do what we can and hope to be given the strength and ability to do more.
Amos (NASB) 5:
14 Seek good and not evil, that you may live;
And thus may the LORD God of hosts be with you,
Just as you have said!
15 Hate evil, love good,
And establish justice in the gate!
Perhaps the LORD God of hosts
May be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.