Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy (29 November 2017, 11 Kislev, 5778)
Should bikinis be banned in Jerusalem and Hebron?

The swimming pool is that of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. I have never been there but I imagine that some of the female swimmers who use it wear bikinis. Jerusalem is a mixed Jewish and Arab city. Hebron is mainly Arab. Neither city is by the sea. Jerusalem however does have mixed swimming pools. Bikinis may probably be seen there. In the Jewish non-religious areas of Jerusalem one may more or less wear what one wants. I do not remember an actual bikini in the streets but I have seen worse. Most women however dress reasonably.
In some of the Arab areas if women were to dress immodestly they would be in danger though some allowance is often made for foreigners. In Hebron the Arabs are religious and conservative and a bikini would not be tolerated. If a lady were to wear a bikini in Hebron she would be detained by the police. If the Arabs did nothing then the Israeli authorities would intervene to prevent disturbance of the peace and avert violence.
The question is therefore only pertinent to Jerusalem and the Jews.
Should bikinis be banned in Jerusalem?
Hardly anyone in Jerusalem at present wears bikinis at present outside of swimming places. If they were to be banned then numerous women would deliberately put them on. Female heroines dying to show how brave they are would come rushing over from Tel Aviv and like places to display their wares. They would be pushing it in your faces all over the town. They would make an issue of it. Even foreign females would make a detour to the Holy Land just to show everybody what their breasts look like. The UN might even raise questions about it. It would become one more issue for enemies of the Jewish People to attack Israel under the guise of defending human rights.
I am of course exaggerating and making a feeble attempt to be humorous.
The truth however would unfortunately probably not be that much different.