Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy (13 November 2017, 24 Heshvan, 5778)
Why do Ashkenazi Jews score highest on Iq tests?

You see the picture? It depicts gefilte fish with some red hot stuff made out of radishes in the background. Gefilte fish is usually a mixture of spices and ground deboned Kosher fish. In general it is eaten on the Sabbath. It is the secret weapon of the Jewish People. Do not tell anybody. By eating gefilte fish great esoteric mysteries of Creation become accessible. With this knowledge Jewish intellectual powers grow. It allegedly originated in Eastern Europe but we think it was used by the Egyptians to design the pyramids. The Jews stole the recipe from them. That is why the Egyptians have been a bit slower to catch up ever since. Because the Ashkenazi Jews kept the tradition of how to prepare gefilte fish their intellectual achievements of recent times slightly exceed those of the Sephardim. Lately however more and more Jews from Sephardic and eastern communities have also taken to eating gefilte fish. Consequently they are moving forward. The problem is that centuries of lagging behind in consuming this magic food take some making up for. Nonetheless they are trying and with perseverance should bridge the gap some time soon. Gefilte fish is tasty and satisfying but not really a delicacy. This is deliberate. It is not desirable that just anybody gulp it down. Certain powers of appreciative discernment should first be developed.