Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy (10 January 2018, 23 Tevet, 5778)
What can Israel do to help American Jews with the ongoing holocaust in the US?
There is a 'quiet holocaust' taking place in the United States, an ultra-Orthodox lawmaker in Israel warned Thursday, and it is happening through the assimilation of American Jews into the wider American culture.
Speaking during a debate in Israel's parliament the Knesset, ultra-orthodox deputy speaker Yisrael Eichler warned against the danger of U.S. Jews being assimilated into secular culture.
'Not a trace of American Jews will be left because of work on Shabbat,' Eichler warned during the debate, referring to the day of rest that religious Jews observe.
The speech focused on Jews in the U.S., but was actually related to a political debate taking place within Israel. Eichler's warning of "a quiet Holocaust" was made in defense of a bill that would close all Israeli businesses during Shabbat.

Jews in the USA are intermarrying with non-Jews and disappearing. In Israel more unborn babies have been aborted than children who were killed by the Nazis.
What should be done about it? Why do it?
A Rabbinical Sage, Rabbi Elazar ha-Kapar (ca. 200 CE?), is quoted ("Ethics of the Fathers," ch. 4) as saying something we have taken the liberty of paraphrasing:
# You were conceived against your will.
You were born without being asked
You live whether or not you want to.
You will die when you probably do not want to,
You are destined to be raised to life again, at your inconvenience.
You will have to give an account of yourself before the Almighty, even if you would rather not. #
A person exists. One is born with instincts: Survival, Reproduction, Finding Purpose in Life, Self-Expression, Communal Affiliation. Sometimes the instincts conflict with each other. The relative importance placed on each one also changes from person to person and from place to place.
You should want to live.
You should want to reproduce.
Jews should want to bring more Jews into the world.
The more Jews there are the better for everybody. From a demographic point of view the more Jews there are the more chance each one has to remain Jewish and survive as a Jew.
Charity begins at home. Every Jew should be as Jewish as they can and bring more Jews into the world. This is easier said than done. Not everybody can do it but those who can should. Whatever life you lead is going to influence others.
If you are Jewish, be a good Jew and other Jews will be influenced for the better.
Be a good Jew and the Gentiles will also be blessed through you.