Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy (20 October 2017, 30 Tishrei, 5778)
What's the oldest company to ever exist?

The Jewish banking house "Murashu & Sons" existed at least from the 400s BCE in the Babylonian city of Nippur. They seemed to have been active among Jews and gave credit for agricultural needs.
Their activities are recorded in an archive of cuneiform tablets spreading over the reigns of the Persian monarchs Artaxerxes-1 (464-424 BCE), Darius-2, and Artaxerxes-2.
Murasu Archive
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
# Marc Van De Mieroop argues that, through such business practices as the Murasu firm, the Persians were able to draw upon their resources throughout their provinces and vassal states to pull together enormous armies with which to intimidate and conquer their enemies. #Murashu family
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
# The core activity of the family was fief and estate land management, with members primarily active as creditors for workers of agricultural enterprises, in the lending and provision of equipment,seed, tools, irrigation and animals for this purpose, to individuals including Jewish persons, these relevant as to the book of Ezekiel. The archive gives information on interaction and agreement and the like with 100 Jewish families. #
Jews, Exile, and the Murashu Archive of Nippur
Murashu family and archive. Ronald Wallenfels
 The term ‘Murashu firm’ was coined by modern scholars to describe the business activities of family members of one Murashu, son of Hatin, including three sons, three grandsons, and their respective agents, who lived and worked in and around the central Babylonian city of Nippur during the second half of the fifth century bce, then an integral part of the Achaemenid Persian Empire.See Also:
 Jewish Traders of the DiasporaPart I: The Persian Period. Fact Paper 41-I Samuel Kurinsky
 The surviving records of the Murashu business houses are mostly of three sons and three grandsons of the founder, covering a half century between 455 and 403 B.C.E. They make clear that the firm had long been a vital factor in the economy of the region, and continued to be so thereafter. The records provide a piercing view into the Persian/Babylonian economy of the times, as well as of the vital role of Jewish artisans and entrepreneurs active within it.
There was also the Jewish House of Egibi. The earliest date for their activities is conventionally reckoned at ca. 528 BCE. They continued for several generations at the least.
 House of Egibi
 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The house of Egibi have been nicknamed "the Rothschilds of the ancient word." They made loans to private individuals and to the ruling powers,
 Banking in Ancient Babylon (Scroll down a little).