Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy (27 August 2017, 5 Elul, 5777)
Would Israeli Ultra Orthodox Jews who refuse to serve in the Israeli Army be willing to give up their right to vote in exchange for being removed from draft duty?

What about other minorities? The picture above is from an Israeli movie depicting a Druze family at a wedding. The Druze are a minority in Israel. Most Israeli Druze men serve in the IDF. Should Israeli Druze women also serve in the army? Should they be deprived of the vote if they do not do so?
If you are already asking such questions why not go all the way?
Israeli Arab citizens also mostly do not serve.
Should they be deprived of the vote as well?
What would the world say?
Israeli Beduin citizens sometimes serve and sometimes do not.
Should only Beduins who have served be allowed to vote?
What about Israeli Beduin females?
Should the Beduin ladies also be deprived of the vote?
What about the secular?
A good proportion of the secular also do not serve in the IDF for various reasons. Will you take their right to vote away also?
What about Reserve Service Duty that can vary from ca. 20 to 40 days a year?
Very many of the secular do not turn up for this even when they are called to do so. Should they also be deprived of the vote?
Why not reverse the logic?
A good portion of the secular females (and some of the National Religious ones) insist on serving in the IDF even though by doing so they detract from the IDF capabilities. They do it because of a Feminist Agenda, or they want the feeling of having given something, or for a coming of age experience.
Since by serving they in effect, on the whole, are doing a disservice and diminishing fighting capabilities should they too not be allowed to vote? In the same way as you suggest taking the right to vote away from they who do not serve why not do the same for those whose service is negative?
Other questions include the following:
Does the IDF really want the Hareidim?
Does the IDF really lack manpower?
Or is their a surfeit?
Are the demands for Hareidim to serve motivated by real needs or by an ideological anti-religious agenda?