Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy (10 January 2018, 23 Tevet, 5778)
Are religious Jews able to be Broadway stars?

The pictures is from the Movie 'Ushpizin' which is a Jewish religious production and quite successful. This is not exactly Broadway but close enough to it. Your question was,
'Are religious Jews able to be Broadway stars?'
I presume you mean 'actor' not star. Just because a Jew works at something it does not mean they are going to automatically become among the best doing it. They may statistically have a better chance than others but no-one guarantees it. There would probably be numerous problems for a religious Jew (Shabat, modesty, etc) in such a profession but who knows. I once met a woman who in her youth had been a professional actor in Yiddish Theater. My impression was that she had always been basically religious but I may be wrong. There are also successful Jewish and non-Jewish movie productions featuring Religious Jews who are not just acting. They must have learnt the trade somewhere.