Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy (19 February, 2018, 4 Adar, 5778)
Why are Israeli settlements in the West Bank considered by the international community to be illegal under international law?
The picture is of the Scapegoat (Leviticus ch.16) by Holman Holt (1827-1910). The Jews have been blamed for all the sins of the world as predicted in Isaiah 53. Other nations project their own faults on Judah. Even so, wait a while for this will not last forever.
The International Community considers Jewish settlement in Judah and Samaria (the West Bank) to be illegal because they themselves lack legitimacy.
Most members of the International Community are themselves illegal entities. They do not do justice and judgment. They oppress their minorities and do not respect basic human rights and dignities. They are a bunch of bandits set up by one group to look after its own interests by oppressing others.
Those few nations that are not like that nevertheless support and enable those who are. The very fact that these nations encourage and fund reprobate entities like the PLO etc shows that they are not legitimate. They project their lack of justification for existing on the settlement of Jews in the liberated Territories of Judah and Samaria.
They should repent, apologize, and make recompense for the aggravation their nefarious attitude has resulted in.
Time is short.