Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy (26 September 2017, 6 Tishrei, 5778)
How can anyone support the killing of children, e.g. Israel?

Do you really mean,
How can anyone support the [Arab] killing of children, e.g. [in] Israel?Â
I do not know. Perhaps you should ask the Arabs?
Maybe their reading of their Holy Book supports it?
Maybe they think it is a good deed?
If so, what do you think the reaction of Israel should be?
Did you actually mean to ask,
How can anyone support the killing of [Arab] children, e.g. Israel [killing Arab children]?
If so why do you distinguish between Arabs killing Jewish children and Israel indirectly causing some Arab children to be killed as inevitable collateral damage to Israeli attempts to defend itself?
Do you support Jews being killed?
Are you happy when Arab terrorists kill Jewish women and children?
What should the Jews do?
Gandhi the Indian pacifist advised the Jews of Germany to commit mass suicide.
Do you feel the same way?
Zechariah [Translated by Yair from the Hebrew] 2:
 8 [12] For thus says the LORD of Hosts, "For the sake of honor He has sent me against the Gentiles who negate [your existence] , for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye.