Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy (7 November 2017, 17 Heshbon, 5778)
Can somebody force Israel to liberate territories occupied in 1967?
Israeli Water resources and the West Bank, see below:

The question was given as:
Can somebody force Israel to liberate territories occupied in 1967?
Did you mean the question as formulated above?
Or did you really intend to query:
Can somebody force Israel to occupy territories liberated in 1967?
I mean Israel needs the land. Most of it is now empty of occupants apart from a few squatters here and there who graze goats and thus ruin the ecology.
Underground aquifers in Judah and Samaria encompass most of the water resources needed by cities by the coast. Israel cannot rely solely on desalination plants. Israel needs the space available to keep a minimal distance between its major population centers and hordes of raving Muslim fanatics from Jordan, Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Egypt, etc, all liable to come raging through at the first chance they get. They are all there. They are not going to go away. At least not on their own. Israel needs the land to feed its population and house its people. The Arabs are not the original inhabitants and have other places to go. And if some of the Arabs do not have elsewhere, then places elsewhere should be found for them. The Jews in Israel DO NOT HAVE OTHER LANDS THEY CAN GO TO! It may be that some have alternate passports in their pockets but most do not. Even they who do have foreign passports, as Jews, should not want to use them for permanent resettlement outside of the Land. Let the Palestinians do the resettling. Why do the Jews have to be harsh towards themselves and complacent towards those who hate them? The Israelis NEED to occupy the land in force and en masse. The world needs to be liberated from the Islamic menace. Let the Israelis lead the way! The Western World should be concentrating its energies on how to help the Israelis occupy the lands they liberated in 1967 and by rights are theirs. This is what the Bible says. Without the Bible all that is good in the Western World would not exist. Pay the debt! Support the Jews in Israel and not the opposite.
We have been warned:
Numbers (NASB) 33:
55 But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall come about that those whom you let remain of them will become as pricks in your eyes and as thorns in your sides, and they will trouble you in the land in which you live. 56 And as I plan to do to them, so I will do to you.