Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy (1 January 2017, 14 Tevet, 5778)
Are the Israeli settlers in the West Bank mostly Orthodox Jews?

I see people are giving all kinds of answers to this question. Taking the term 'West Bank' as applying to all lands under Arab control before 1967 we get the following approximate figures:
The Ultra-Orthodox live in a few large cities along with some smallish settlements. The cities include Kiryat Sefer, Beitar Ilit, Imanuel, Ramat Shlomoh. These are almost exclusively Ultra-Orthodox. Numerically they comprise about 40% or more of all the settlers. The numbers of Ultra-Orthodox would double overnight if the government would let them. Lenin said that people vote with their feet. In practical terms the Ultra-Orthodox are more Zionist in their actions than any of the others. They always were.
The National Religious (Modern Orthodox) are about 30% of the total in numbers but they are the most spread out. They mainly live in small to moderate sized settlements, apart from small cities such as Kiryat Arba and Efrat.
The rest are secular but even they are mostly National Religious in sentiment and by family connection. They have one city, Ariel.