Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy (13 November 2017, 24 Heshvan, 5778)
Why doesn't Israel relocate its Jewish citizenry from the West Bank and Gaza, close its borders, and call it the end of the story?

The picture shows a passenger plane which should be flying to Berlin or to Latin America and carrying Arabs away from Israel and Judah and Samaria. The Prophet Isaiah predicted that such a time will come.
The Query to Quora was posted:
Why doesn't Israel relocate its Jewish citizenry from the West Bank and Gaza, close its borders, and call it the end of the story?
This is considered a normal question?
No-one protests?
No-one is shocked by it?
A more justifiable query would have been:
Why doesn't Israel relocate the Arab inhabitants from the West Bank and Gaza, close the borders, and call it the end of the story?
This in fact is what should be done.
The Arabs should be flown at some distance to another place and helped to start a new life elsewhere.
This is what is prophesied.
Isaiah 11:
13 Also the envy of Ephraim shall depart,
And the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off;
Ephraim shall not envy Judah,
And Judah shall not harass Ephraim.
14 But they shall fly down upon the shoulder of the Philistines toward the west...
Note: The last verse portion quoted (Isaiah 11:14),
This is the Hebrew:
Va-afu be-ketef plishtim yamah ...
The word "plishtim" means Philistine. The word Palestine is derived from the Latin word for Philistine.
Here is a transliteration of the Hebrew in Isaiah 11:14 above [the Hebrew is in brackets]:
THEY SHALL CAUSE TO BE FLOWN [ve-afu] BY WING [be-ketef] THE PHILISTINES [plishtim i.e. Palestinians] TO THE WEST ... i.e. the Palestinians [Philistines] shall be flown by wing to the west. That is the best solution.
Now let us hear the goody goody people raise their voices in protest. Note that these bleeding hearts were (and still are) silent when the fate of Jews was being considered as the first query was posted.