Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy
Should Israel execute the families of convicted terrorists as deterrent?
Member of Knesset (MK) Oren Hazan, a member of the ruling Likud Party, was quoted as saying:
In a video posted (Hebrew) over the weekend on his official Facebook account, which has more than 82,000 likes, Israeli Knesset Member MK Oren Hazan said he would demolish the home of Palestinian assailant Omar al-Abed and "execute" his family.Hazan said in the video: "I want to be honest without sounding too extreme, God forbid, but if it was up to me I would've gone to the terrorist's house yesterday, grabbed him and his whole family and executed them all together."
 He went on to say that "an execution is the lightest sentence" that Abed could receive.On Tuesday, the Israeli army arrested Ibtisam al-Abed, the assailant's mother, for saying she was "proud" of her son in a video shared widely on social media outlets.
It should be noted that Hazan was speaking immediately after a particularly heinous terror attack.
He also used the expression "if it was up to me."
This implies not so much an advocation of official policy but rather an expression of emotion.
The remarks of Hazan follow an attack in which a family while seated at their Shabat table were attacked by a Palestinian assailant welding a knife.
There were stabbed to death: Yosef Salomon, his daughter Chaya and son Elad, as well as Tova Salomon, Yosef's wife, who was injured but survived.
 2017 Halamish stabbing attack
This follows other attacks and attempt at attacks including the murder (with WAKF collusion) of two Israeli Druze policemen on the Temple Mount followed by Arab rioting.
 Before killing the relatives of the murderers we should consider the Biblical injunction to kill the murderers themselves instead of releasing them after a few years.
 The relatives should indeed all be interrogated since often they are accomplices to such crimes and morally support them.
 Punishing the relatives by seizing their property and exiling them in the past has had a proven deterrent effect.
 It should also be noted that Arab terrorists who commit such crimes are remunerated financially and sometimes released due to pressure on Israeli governments.

For example, Malki Roth (aged 15) was killed in the Subbaro Bombing about a block away from where I was living at the time.
 Malki was one of the children of Arnold Roth who is a friend of mine from Australia.
Malka Roth
 Aug 9, 2001 - Malka (Malki) Roth, 15, of Jerusalem, was one of 15 people killed in a suicide bombing in the heart of Jerusalem, inside a crowded pizza restaurant.
 Carrying the explosives in a guitar case, the terrorist entered the Sbarro pizzeria at the corner of King George Avenue and Jaffa Road in downtown Jerusalem just before 2 p.m. The 5 kg.-10 kg. bomb, which was packed with nails, screws, and bolts, completely gutted the restaurant, which was full of lunchtime diners.
The attack was carried out by Hamas. The carrier of the bomb was assisted and directed by a woman, Ahlam Tamimi. At that time Tamimi was a 20-year old student. She received several life sentences.
 Tamimi was proud of what she had done and boasted of it.
# Tamimi was released from Israel prison in the context of the shameful Shalit-for-murderers transaction in October 2011 extorted by Hamas. Today she lives in total freedom, celebrated as a hero and an icon,
 in the Kingdom of Jordan. #
Details may be found at:
The Bible tells us:
Numbers 35 (NASB):
 31 Moreover, you shall not take ransom for the life of a murderer who is guilty of death, but he shall surely be put to death. … 33 So you shall not pollute the land in which you are; for blood pollutes the land and no expiation can be made for the land for the blood that is shed on it, except by the blood of him who shed it. 34 You shall not defile the land in which you live, in the midst of which I dwell; for I the LORD am dwelling in the midst of the sons of Israel.Genesis 9:
 6 Whoever sheds man’s blood,
 By man his blood shall be shed,
 For in the image of God
 He made man.