Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy (19 October 2017, 29 Tishrei, 5778)
What would happen if the United Nations had declined to create Israel as a Jewish state because other Religious people have no homelands?

The United Nations was created to facilitate the Creation of Israel.
It was necessary that a body representing the peoples of the world affirm the Jewish right to return to their land.
This is what they did. After that the exigencies of survival and historical imperative took over and the UN had no right to backtrack.
If the UN did not fulfill its task it would have lost its main rationale for existing.
It would then have been closed down and replaced with a similar body that would have done what it is supposed to!
The UN at present spends a good deal of its time in condemning Israel and spreading falsehoods about her.
The UN is therefore retracting its reason for existence. It is betraying itself.
Conclusions may be reached.
God promised the Land of Israel to the Israelite Nation.
Most of this people lost consciousness of their identity when the Ten Tribes were exiled.
The Jews remained and they still know who they are.
The Jews may not all be observant of the Torah but they are sufficiently loyal to be still considered Jewish.
They therefore have a legitimate claim to all the land from the Nile to the Euphrates.
Within that area the primary claim had to be, for now, the region west of the Jordan.
This is Israel as it now exists.
The UN should be doing something useful.
The UN should be helping Israel to emphasize the Jewish foundations of the State and to re-settle the so-called Palestinians in other parts of the world.
That would be a beginning.