Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy (10 January 2018, 23 Tevet, 5778)
Would a modern Jew be able to verbally communicate with an ancient (3000 years old) one?

The Quefa Ostracon discovered in 2008 near Beit Shemesh west of Jerusalem. It dates from around the time of Kings Saul or David. Where the letters are clear the words are legible.
Concerning the question: Would a modern Jew be able to verbally communicate with an ancient (3000 years old) one?
They probably had different ways of pronouncing some of our syllables and consonants. They would have had words we are not aware of, and different ways of using some of the words we now use. So too, we use words they would not have had. We also think in a different way linguistically. Nevertheless, with a little effort, after a few hours communication would probably be quite free and easy and mutually intelligible.