Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy (5 September 2017, 14 Elul, 5777)
Where did the Etruscans originate?
The Etruscans, according to Herodotus (ca. 450 BCE), came from Lydia.
Lydia is in the western part of Anatolia in present-day Turkey.
The Lydians were ascribed to Lud (Genesis 10:22) and therefore were descendants of Shem son of Noah.
That would have made them technically Semites.
Etruscan depictions of themselves show a mixture of black-haired people with reddish brown-haired ones.
DNA tests have shown traces of Anatolian DNA amongst Italians from the Etruscan area, i.e. Tuscany in Northern Italy.
The enigma of Italy's ancient Etruscans is finally unravelled
Genetic research made public at the weekend appears to put the matter beyond doubt, however. It shows the Etruscans came from the area which is now Turkey - and that the nearest genetic relatives of many of today's Tuscans and Umbrians are to be found, not in Italy, but around Izmir.
It is now held that the Etruscans originated from an indigenous Italian people but with a later ethnic and cultural infusion from Anatolia.
Early north Italian culture is called Villanovian. It is an offshoot of both European Urnfield and Celtic Hallstatt civilizations. About 650 BCE a strong Greek influence becomes apparent followed shortly afterwards by characteristic Etruscan finds. Others trace the Etruscans appearance to ca. 800 BCE.
Tuscany the Etruscans center is also known as Etruria.
The meaning of "Etruria" is not known but is may be derived from a Greek word for red "erythros."
This could indicate an Edomite elemenet among the Etruscans.
Both Rome and Germany had in part Edomite antecedents.
Etruscan script has been found on the Greek island of Lemnos in the Aegean.
The first king of Rome according to legend was an Etruscan, Lucius Tarquinius Priscus (616-579 BCE).
The Etruscans were allied with Carthage. In 535 BCE a combined fleet of Carthaginians and Etruscans defeated the Greeks and ships of Tarshish (from Spain), off the coast of Corsica.
Consequently, the Carthagiains became predominant in the Mediterranean.
In 510 BCE the Last Etruscan king was expelled from Rome.
In 474 BCE at Naples a Greek fleet defeated the Etruscans who began to lose control of southern Italy.
In 396 BCE the Romans defeated the Etruscans and over the next two centuries began to absorb the Etruscans into their realm.
There were claims ('Geschichte der Hunnen,' - Franz Altheim) that remains of an Etruscan settlement had been found in northern Poland.