Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy (4 January 2018, 17 Tevet, 5778)
Did the original Jews have blue eyes?

Were the Ancient Hebrews blue eyed?
We have Phoenician and North Israelite (i.e. from Samaria) etchings of Ancient Hebrews but the only ones in color are those of the Egyptians. Most Ancient Egyptian illustrations of dwellers in the area of Canaan who at that time were probably Hebrews show people with brown or dark eyes. Some have blue eyes but these are less common. Red, blond, and brown hair are also depicted though here too most have black or very dark hair. Sometimes the beards are light colored whereas the head is darkish.
The "experts" now say that a single gene is responsible for blue eyes. The implication is that all blue -eyed people derive from a single ancestor. This is counter-intuitive and against empirical reality. We see here once again how the Evolutionists do not really believe in Evolution. Nevertheless they are still tied to some dogma or other. Much of what they say may be correct but some of it is not.
Humans and animals adapt according to changing environments and their genetic potential. Animals in areas where it is cold often have white fur. The eye color in humans also varies according to the degree of cloud cover and other factors. There are many cases of the color of the eye altering within the space of a single lifetime. Animals also experience similar changes. Certain types of monkey for instance are often quite "Aryan" in appearance. Was Adolf Hitler a pure-blood descendant of one of them?

The Aryan Monkey. Human Adaptation to Environment Reflected in Physical Appearance.