Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy (5 September 2017, 14 Elul, 5777)
What do you think of the website: Land of Israel?
My name is Yair Davidiy. I am the owner of the web-site in question and the author of its content.
The purpose of the articles concerning the Land of Israel are to show that:
a. According to the Bible the Promised boundaries of the Holy Land extend far beyond what is conventionally depicted.
b. Historically there were times when the said boundaries were indeed under Hebrew control.
c. Something along these lines will also be the case when the Ten Tribes return and re-unite with Judah.
The Ten Tribes are now mainly among Western Peoples and on the whole are not yet aware of their ancestry.
d. Meanwhile the Jews should keep what they have in their possession under their control and populate those areas with more Jews.
e. The Purpose of our teaching at present is to arouse interest in the subject at hand and to spread knowledge about it.