Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy
and 'The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party,' by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams (1995) The reliability of these works has been contested but the evidence appears to be there and to be confirmed by other sources. Similarly, Revision of the Holocaust is not accepted nowadays BUT misconceptions concerning other details of the life of Hitler are conventionally repeated despite being incorrect. His mother, for instance, had been quite promiscuous yet she is frequently described as a quiet, pious lady.
Despite his homosexual experiences it appears that Adolph preferred women but used them in a perverted fashion. Women liked him. Many would have been pleased to be of service to him. There were some females who did have physical contact with Hitler. Several ended up dead as a result either by suicide or murder. All those we know about (and who did not die shortly afterwards) appear to have needed some kind of treatment or supervision.
MARIA (MITZI) REITER attempted suicide in 1927 following an unsuccessful escapade with Hitler.
MARTHA DODD attempted suicide after an encounter with Hitler.

GELI RABAUL was the daughter of the brother of Hitler. They had an affair. She wished to leave. Hitler locked her in her room. Geli was found dead with a bullet in her chest from the personal pistol of Hitler. The police verdict was suicide but this seems unlikely. Circumstantial evidence indicates Hitler shot her.
Picture of Suzi Liptauer not available.
SUZI LIPTAUER had a night with Hitler and then tried to hang herself. After this the Gestapo kept her under its supervision.
RENATE MUELLER spent a night with Hitler. She subsequently described his perverted behavior and masochistic demands. Gestapo agents threw her from a window to her death in 1937.
UNITY MITFORD was a British Fascist confidante of Hitler. Adolph was reported to like pornographic films. He was a voyeur. Unity would regale him with detailed reports of her ongoing sexual activities (see David R. L. LITCHFIELD, "Hitler's Valkyrie. The Uncensored Biography of Unity Mitford, 2014). Unity shot herself (at the suggestion of Adolph) in the head and eventually died as a result.
INGE LEY was the wife of the Head of the Labor Front, i.e. the equivalent of the Minister for Labor. She was also a personal friend of Hitler and somewhat liberated in her own right. She tried several times to commit suicide and eventually succeeded. A contributory cause of these attempts involved rumors of her connection with Hitler and its nature.
Magda Goebbles was privately hospitalized in Switzerland following liaison with Hitler. Eventually with her husband they murdered their six children and then killed themselves.
EVA BRAUN tried to commit suicide on two occasion after first beginning her physical linkage to Adolph. Hitler got her to sleep with an SS man who later married her sister. She died either by suicide or by receiving poison from the hands of Hitler.
There are others and probably more that we do not know of.
Source: Wild Boar in Britain
When I was a young man in the IDF I was considered the token Religious Jew in my unit. I in fact had only recently become observant, had been raised as non-Jewish, had lived among non-Jews, and did not know much. Due to a misunderstanding of the Israeli system I had found myself in the army. The soldiers I was serving with were from mixed backgrounds. Some of them belonged to secular kibbutzim. On the whole I got on well with them but there were exceptions. One of them started bragging to me BEFORE OTHERS how in a kibbutz he had lived on they regularly eat pig meat. He apparently hoped to provoke and embarrass me.
I thought "Big Deal!" Even as a relatively inexperienced, innocent, gullible, introverted young man my idea of doing something "daring" went a bit beyond that. Since then I often wondered what Secular Jews found alluring about such forbidden fruits.
Proverbs 9:
17 Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.Deuteronomy 14:
8 And the pig, because it has a split hoof, but does not chew the cud;Â it is unclean for you.You shall neither eat of their flesh nor touch their carcass.
Anyway, getting back to the story, I later was told that the soldier in question had a Russian non-Jewish mother. So technically speaking he was not Jewish.
So why was this Gentile running around, eating pork, and rubbing the noses of Jews in it?
Even for Jews there are many other prohibitions. If you want serious transgressions to offend by then pig-meat would be nearer the bottom of the list.
When the Israelites first became a nation the Moabites (Numbers ch. 25) and Midianites (Numbers chs. 25, 31) offered them women in exchange for transgression.
Many died as a result but at least they had gotten something. They had some kind of excuse.
But pork?
You are kidding me.
For that you are going to risk loosing the world to come?
Nevertheless, for some reason or other the prohibition of pig meat has become associated with the observance of Judaism more than other transgressions.
This brings us to the story of Chana and her seven sons:
Woman with seven sons
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shortly before the revolt of Judas Maccabeus (2 Maccabees 8), Antiochus IV Epiphanes arrested a mother and her seven sons, and tried to force them to eat pork. When they refused, he tortured and killed the sons one by one. The narrator mentions that the mother "was the most remarkable of all, and deserves to be remembered with special honour. She watched her seven sons die in the space of a single day, yet she bore it bravely because she put her trust in the LORD." Each of the sons makes a speech as he dies, and the last one says that his brothers are "dead under God's covenant of everlasting life". The narrator ends by saying that the mother died, without saying whether she was executed, or died in some other way.Tractate Gittin
The Talmud tells a similar story, but with refusal to worship an idol replacing refusal to eat pork. Tractate Gittin 57b cites Rabbi Judah saying that "this refers to the woman and her seven sons" and the unnamed king is referred to as the "Emperor" and "Caesar". The woman commits suicide in this rendition of the story: she "also went up on to a roof and threw herself down and was killed".
So here we have it.
Since the earliest times Jews and non-Jews have associated not eating pig-meat with being Jewish.
We are now getting close to Yom Kippur (10 Tishrei, 5779, September 18, 2018). Some of you may be reading this after Yom Kippur.
If you are Jewish and have ever eaten pig meat, repent. If you have done something worse than that, repent some more.Â
Whether you are Jewish or non-Jewish, whatever you have done, or not done that you should have done, there is a way back.
It is also worth remembering that the swine, especially the boar, have come to represent the enemies of Israel who oppress the Jews, destroyed the Temple and Jerusalem , and even now seek to prevent the Jewish People from repenting, being reconciled with God, and restoring that which they should have.
Psalm (ESV) 80:
13 The boar from the forest ravages it,
and all that move in the field feed on it.
14 Turn again, O God of hosts!
Look down from heaven, and see;
have regard for this vine,
15 the stock that your right hand planted,
and for the son whom you made strong [Hebrew: "imasta" i.e. adopted] for yourself.
16 They have burned it with fire; they have cut it down;
may they perish at the rebuke of your face!
17 But let your hand be on the man of your right hand,
the son of man whom you have made strong for yourself!
18 Then we shall not turn back from you;
give us life, and we will call upon your name!
19 Restore us, O LORD God of hosts!
Let your face shine, that we may be saved!
Picture shows Arnold Roth, the father of a 16 year old Jewish killed murdered in the Sbarro bombings along with numerous others dead and injured. He is testifying before a Committee of the US Congress.
Source: Father of Jerusalem bombing victim vows to keep pushing for terrorist's extradition
Just for the record Ahed Tamimi is a Palestinian girl who belongs to a family of provocateurs, murderers, and terrorists. A family member, Ahlam Tamimi was responsible for the Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing. Another family member Nizar Tamimi helped murder a Jew, Haim Mirachi. In the Sbarro bombing (2001) 15 people were murdered, including seven children, and 130 others were injured.
The perpetrators and their kin were well remunerated for their crime.
So too, 16 year old Ahed Tamimi helps support her family by attacking and demeaning Jewish soldiers. She was filmed dong this several times along with other Palestinian youngsters. She has become something of an international Media Star. Nearly, anywhere else in the world the reaction to her deeds would have been violent, immediate, and vigorous. This applies not just to Germany. Israel has a problem in so far as they do not want to hurt children nor do they hold the young ones fully culpable. Doing something to the children upsets the system and does not look good in the Media. That is the point. The Arabs know this is a weak spot with Israel so they exploit it.
Ariel Sharon was faced with similar problems in Gaza in 1956. In such cases he would apprehend the father of the offenders. If the father could not be found then an uncle, etc. The person would be given the equivalent of 2 days wages, a small canteen of water, and sent across the border to Jordan. The problem ceased almost immediately. Today this may not be possible but with a little imagination the same principle could be applied.
I read of a similar incident concerning the Jews and British during the Mandate. Most Jews from Yemen came to Israel in Operation Magic Carpet from June 1949 to September 1950. There were some who had come before then beginning from ca. the 1890s and onwards. In an autobiography of one of those who was also a Rabbi and had come earlier (in ca. 1940) I read the following: He was on his veranda observing the goings-on in the market which was down below. British soldiers were searching for illicit weapons among the Jewish merchants. They found a rifle and confiscated it. He had heard that the British were merciful, especially towards women. He sent his young wife down to seize the gun which she did. The British soldier, who had the weapon taken from him, looked nonplussed and confounded. The Rabbi then, together with others, approached the two soldiers present and invited both to his house across the road. Together with his neighbors they gave them a very good meal and a bottle of whisky which had been especially sent out for. The soldiers were very happy with the whole arrangement and left wishing the Jews success in gaining their own State.