Mikko Ojanen and Yair Davidiy: DNA and the Family of Nations (19 November, 2014, 26 Cheshvan, 5775)
(A) Yair Davidiy:
1. Introduction. Languages, In Built Changeability, and DNA
2. The Siberian Tiger. What Does Evolutionary Theory Say?
3. How Does Natural Change Work?
4. Some Examples of Animal Change in Our Time
Tolerance of Formerly Harmful Agents
Elephants without Tusks
Stray Dogs on Russian Subways. Read the Signs?
Hudson River Fish are Becoming Immune to Toxic Waste
Lizard Placenta (instead of eggs) Appeared in One Generation!
(B) Mikko Ojanen: DNA Haplogroups and the Sons of Noah, Shem, Japheth and Ham
(C) Conclusion
(A) Yair Davidiy:
(1) Introduction. Languages, In Built Changeability, and DNA
Miko Ojanen in the letter below makes the case for the known major divisions of mankind according to DNA be accorded parallel titles from the Biblical Divisions of descendants of Noah.
Such an appropriation can be made and it fits much of the known evidence.
Miko refers to a picture on the website of Leif Bostrom who makes the same case. Leif also has a classification of Major Language groups according to the Sons of Noah which is also worth looking at.
Fair enough.
Languages often correspond with ancestry. So does DNA. We can use both.
We however believe that changes in DNA are triggered by environmental changes.
This involves a comparison of Evolutionary Theory against the True Blue of Yair Davidiy (and who said I was too "self-effacing"?) and like minded savants in the know.
2. The Siberian Tiger. What Does Evolutionary Theory Say?
The Siberian Tiger in winter has a coat which is thicker and longer than in summer. It is also lighter in color tending to white.
It fits into the local ecosystem.
Siberian TigerFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Amur tigers regularly prey on young bears and adult brown bears. Reports of preying on fully grown adult Ussuri brown bears are common as well.[7][20] Predation by tigers on denned brown bears was not detected during a study carried between 1993 and 2002.[22] Ussuri brown bears, along with the smaller Asian black bears constitute up to 40.7% of the Siberian tiger's diet.[23] Brown bears alone constitute up to 18.5% of their diet depending on the locations.[5][23][24] Certain tigers have been reported to imitate the calls of Asian black bears to attract them.[25]
Geptner and Sludskii (1972) stated that bears are generally afraid of tigers and change their path after coming across tiger trails.[5] ... Despite the threat of predation, some brown bears actually benefit from the presence of tigers by appropriating tiger kills that the bears may not be able to successfully hunt themselves.[23] Brown bears generally prefer to contest the much smaller female tigers.[27] ...
Tigers depress wolves' numbers, either to the point of localized extinction or to such low numbers as to make them a functionally insignificant component of the ecosystem. Wolves appear capable of escaping competitive exclusion from tigers only when human pressure decreases tiger numbers. In areas where wolves and tigers share ranges, the two species typically display a great deal of dietary overlap, resulting in intense competition. Wolf and tiger interactions are well documented in Sikhote-Alin, where until the beginning of the 20th century, very few wolves were sighted. Wolf numbers may have increased in the region after tigers were largely eliminated during the Russian colonization in the late 19th century and early 20th century.
Siberian tigers all have the same DNA. Therefore they are said to derive from the one parent.
Evolutionists would say that tigers wandered from tropical regions to snow covered ones.
Over the years only those tigers survived that had mutations enabling them to survive in snow. Eventually all these mutations merged into one super white tiger while all the others died out. From this super white specimen came all those around today.
This fits both Evolutionary Theory and DNA Dogma.
The problem is it does not work like that.
Chirp, Chirp. Thoughts on Darwin's Finches
3. How Does Natural Change Work?
Animals change under certain circumstances.
This is how it probably works based on known case studies:
Concerning the Siberian Tiger:
All tigers probably have somewhere in their DNA the potential to become Siberian Tigers. A group of tigers gets to the snow country. Many die, some survive.
Within a very few generations the complete Siberian Tiger specimen emerges amongst the whole group.
A Genetic Key has been triggered and the community responded.
People sometimes respond tot his kind of assertion by asking, If such is the case why are Afro-Americans in the USA still black?
Jeremiah 13:23 "Can a Cushi change his skin or a leopards his spots? Then also you can do good who are accustomed to do evil".
Answer: We do not know. The subject is more complex than we have presented it.
If you took a whole collection of tigers from all the zoos in the USA and dumped them in Alaska what would happen?
Chances are they would all die and animal lovers the world over would not be amused.
there is something to what we say as the following interesting extracts show.
The examples below show how some animals are changing and they are changing across the board i.e. entire sub-groups are experiencing it altogether.
4. Some Examples of Animal Change in Our Time
Tolerance of Formerly Harmful Agents
Environmental Change and Biodiversity
Hairston's lab has shown that planktonic "water fleas" (Daphnia), major consumers of suspended algae in lakes, evolved to be tolerant of harmful algae within a decade of the appearance of blooms.
7 Animals That Are Evolving Right Before Our Eyes
By Kristi Harrison
Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_19213_7-animals-that-are-evolving-right-before-our-eyes.html#ixzz3JVQalmJr
Elephants without Tusks
To make themselves less appealing to their greatest enemies (poachers), elephants all over the world have begun selecting against having tusks at all. For example, it used to be that only 2 to 5 percent of Asian male elephants were born without tusks, and you can believe those few were the belittled Dumbos of the group.
By 2005, it was estimated that the tuskless population had risen to between 5 and 10 percent. And it's not just happening in Asia, either. One African national park estimated their number of elephants born without tusks was as high as 38 percent. It's natural selection in action: either lady elephants are deliberately choosing tuskless mates, or the only boy elephants surviving into breeding time are the ones born without tusks. Either way, that tusklessness is getting passed on.
Stray Dogs on Russian Subways. Read the Signs?
Among these Einstein strays, hundreds have taken up residence in the underground metro stations and have freaking learned how to travel their territories via subway train. They'll stand and wait for the train, just like everyone else, then sneak on, go to sleep, and get off at their stops. Day after day. Scientists figure they use smell and the recorded names of stations to navigate.
And that's not all they've figured out. Roving gangs of begging dogs have learned how to send out the smallest and cutest among them to do their begging. And big dogs have learned the bark and grab: jumping and barking at on a person eating a snack, making them drop it, then pouncing on the dropped food.
Hudson River Fish are Becoming Immune to Toxic Waste
Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_19213_7-animals-that-are-evolving-right-before-our-eyes.html#ixzz3JVV3Ho00
Lizards are Evolving to be Dancers
When fire ants were accidentally introduced to the States about 70 years ago, the fence lizard found itself defenceless against them. The ants had no natural enemies, and it only took 12 of them to take a lizard down in about a minute....
While other lizards respond to ant attacks by "sitting still, just hoping the ants would go away," these smooth operators developed an ant-shaking shimmy that they've passed on to their kids. And those kids have longer legs for quicker get-aways. Just so we're clear: Nature, not weird daddy issues, has created leggy lizards that thwart attackers through shaking what their mommas gave them.
Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_19213_7-animals-that-are-evolving-right-before-our-eyes.html#ixzz3JVVyuRyY
Other Lizards are Rewiring Their Own Guts, Right Now
In 1971, scientists introduced 10 Italian wall lizards to an island in Croatia, but right after they dropped them off, the Croatian War for Independence prevented the researchers from following up on their little lizard guinea pigs. In fact, the scientists couldn't get back to the island until 2004. When they did, they found 5,000 lizard descendants who had not only annihilated the entire indigenous lizard population, but also rewired the shape of their own innards to accommodate the local diet.
Before their introduction to the island, the wall lizards were carnivores, so their digestive systems weren't built for leaf-eating. But on an island short on insects and long on plants, a strictly carnivorous stomach would be a one-way ticket to Deadville. So the lizards developed things called cecal valves, which were muscles that slowed down the process of food digestion and gave them more time to break down plant cellulose. But growing new gut muscles wasn't all the lizards had up their sleeves. They also grew bigger heads for stronger bites, and dropped territorial defenses.
Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_19213_7-animals-that-are-evolving-right-before-our-eyes_p2.html#ixzz3JVXFZYzu
Lizard Placenta (instead of eggs) Appeared in One Generation!
Then you have the three-toed skinks which come from Australia -- where the lizards are apparently gearing up for some kind of uprising, V-style. See those blobs under Mommma Short Arms' skin?
Those are eggs, which you'd expect. But her babies are going to exit her body alive, like some kind of freaking mammal.
Other lizards of the same species are still laying their eggs on the ground, as Xenu intended. But scientists think the three-toed skinks in harsher mountain climates have found it more efficient to keep their young in their bodies longer, because laid eggs are more vulnerable to weather and predators. And to accommodate the live birth of her lizardlings, her uterus is secreting calcium to her embryos, which is actually the beginning stages of developing a placenta. A LIZARD PLACENTA.
(B) Mikko Ojanen: DNA Haplogroups and the Sons of Noah, Shem, Japheth and Ham
Hello Yair,
There hasn't been alot of talk about how haplogroups are divided among sons of Noah, Shem, Japheth and Ham. There have been some, but not quite extensive enough, speculations in how to divide the current y-dna haplotree into three separate areas. The idea of neatly dividing whole mankind into three different camps is rather unpleasant. It is extremely black and white and forces people into groups that they sometime do not associate themselves with, which might cause negative feelings.
Nevertheless, Bible is clear: Noah had three sons and post-flood mankind wholly descends from them. Unless we throw away and refuse the WHOLE understanding of genetic genealogy, I feel that we might have interesting findings if we would biblically approach the subject.Though, there might be even major modifications to current y-dna haplotree, it's "trunk" seems to be solid. It seems unlikely that there will be revelations that would turn absolutely everything upside down.
I am attaching a picture of haplogroups divided among the sons of Noah. Picture is from swedish website http://familjenbostrom.se/genealogi/dna/dna_table_of_nations.htm .
Looking at the picture, we know that our one unmovable guiding stone here is the Cohen haplogroup, which we know for certain that it belongs to haplogroup J (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y-chromosomal_Aaron). Now, there used to be a possibility that ONLY haplogroup J is semitic. But in 2012 there was a huge study (Grugni et al. 2012 / http://dienekes.blogspot.fi/2012/07/huge-study-on-y-chromosome-variation-in.html) in Iran concerning the Y-dna haplogroups and they found, for the first time, person(s) belonging to a group IJ*. This means that there was a "father-branch" between modern Cohens and son of Noah Shem, which was IJ*. Now this means FOR CERTAIN that haplogroup I must be semitic also. Unless modern Cohenites are ALSO non-semitic, there is no way around this. Haplogroup I cannot be Hamitic or Japhetic, there is no other logical possilibity but to include haplogroup I into semitic lineage too.
Now the second point, rather "negative" news. Haplogroup K, that has "children-branches" of R (majority in Europe) and also finnish haplogroup N, must almost certainly be Japhetic. Only way how either of them could be semitic, would be to include WHOLE group of IJK as semitic, but then it would mean that haplogroup O would be also semitic. This would mean that atleast 92.5% of China (amount of Han chinese in mainland China) would be semitic. Therefore, this possibility doesn't sound right to my ears.
If there is a way to refute this, I am open to hear it. This approach of dividing haplogroups can give us definite answers up to a point. If haplogroup I is truly semitic, conservatively thinking this through, it still doesn't genetically give us a definite answer that majority of scandinavian nations belong to Ten Lost Tribes (as Shem had many branches besides Abraham), as it only gives us a proof of semitic lineage.
Mikko, Finland
(C) Conclusion
Animals can change within a very short time. The changes take place within the ENTIRE animal population. They do not wait for all of them to become extinct with just one remainder who begins a string of far-reaching mutations as the Evolutionists claim. The changes are inherited. Whatever is inherited is probably reflected somewhere in the DNA.
For some reason different DNA markers appeared in different regions. Maps of DNA haplogroups correspond roughly with geographical divisions. The changes affected most of those born in certain areas. Since the people in those places were probably ALREADY related to each other then the changes incidentally also may reflect family affiliation.
But exceptions exist.
Tigers, hares, foxes, wolves, bears, and other creatures all grow white coats in snowbound areas. This does not mean that they had the same ancestor.