DNA Changes caused by DNA Transfer. Neither Evolution nor Classical Creationism!
1. Introduction
2. Steve Philips Objects!
3. Brit-Am Versus Evolution
4. Evolutionists and Creationists
5. Wikipedia on Genetic Transfers
6. What Does Brit-Am Say?
7. Arctic Animals as an Example
8. Horizontal Gene Transfer as a Possible Solution!
9. Horizontal Gene Transfer in Hebrew Israelites!
10. Implications for Individual DNA
1. Introduction
Animals change, humans change, physical features changes, DNA changes, everything changes when change is needed. Once changes is effected it stays as it is and is transmitted through heredity.
This explanation is Simple, Proven, Scientifically acceptable, Compatible with known phenomenon.
The problem is that only Brit-Am seems to know about it!
Does that mean we are wrong?
Could be but I doubt it.
Before you dismiss us as having gone too far with our theorizing, take a minute to consider what we have to say.
2. Steve Philips Objects!
Steve Phillips wrote:
The example you quoted in Brit-Am 3028 is a typical evolutionist comment:
[QUOTE] "The researchers studied the genomes of 12 species of Drosophila or fruit fly, four species of nematode worm, and 10 species of primate, including humans. They calculated how well each of their genes aligns to similar genes in other species to estimate how likely they were to be foreign in origin."
Please explain to me how DNA from fruit fly, worms, apes or any other creature can possibly have entered into our (human) DNA? It is impossible. Evolutionists want us to believe that we are all descended from common ancestors, hence will do everything in their power to convince us of this. So why are you quoting this nonsense?
3. Brit-Am Versus Evolution
We had said:
Brit-Am does not accept Evolution. We do NOT believe claim that organisms change by gradual adaptation to the environment from one type to another.
We do however understand that within different types of organism exists an inbuilt designer-installed genetic potential to adapt suddenly and totally from one sub-type to another.
For instance we deny that a butterfly can change into a budgerigar no matter how long they try.
Theoretically however all the white butterflies in one region could change into black ones within a generation or so.
So too, certain DNA types can change into other ones under certain circumstances. This could happen almost at once and involve entire populations.
The Paradox is that within our own time framework we are more open to countenancing change as a result of environment than the Evolutionists are are.
[Perhaps this shows that when it comes to the nitty-gritty they are less convinced of evolution than they present to be?]
This is not mere theorizing.
It is what objective scientific findings indicate.
4. Evolutionists and Creationists
Evolutionists claim that organisms change from one type to another by gradual adaptation to the environment. They sometimes refer to DNA findings and they believe in DNA science. They however tend to deny that DNA can evolve or change radically in a short space of time.
Creationists seem to say that everything was created as it is at the time of Creation and then no further improvements were needed and neither did they take place.
Here are selected quotes from Wikipedia that are relevant to our understanding:
5. Wikipedia on Genetic Transfers
Mobile genetic elements
Mobile genetic elements (MGEs) are a type of genetic material that can move around within a genome, or that can be transferred from one species or replicon to another. MGEs are found in all organisms. In humans, approximately 50% of the genome is thought to be MGEs.
Horizontal gene transfer
Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) or lateral gene transfer (LGT) is the movement of genetic material between unicellular and/or multicellular organisms other than by the ("vertical") transmission of DNA from parent to offspring (reproduction).
Aaron Richardson and Jeffrey D. Palmer state: "Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has played a major role in bacterial evolution and is fairly common in certain unicellular eukaryotes. However, the prevalence and importance of HGT in the evolution of multicellular eukaryotes remain unclear."
Due to the increasing amount of evidence suggesting the importance of these phenomena for evolution molecular biologists such as Peter Gogarten have described horizontal gene transfer as "A New Paradigm for Biology".
6. What Does Brit-Am Say?
What has all this got to do with Brit-Am?
The answer is quite a lot.
It explains very much and justifies what we have been saying all along.
We had said:
DNA Breakthrough!
Native Britons living near the Gauls looked similar to them
[since accroding to Tacitus]
"either from the permanent influence of original descent, or because, in countries so similarly situated, climate has produced similar physical qualities."
A similarity in physical type may reflect racial kinship or it may simply show a mutual exposure to the same environmental factors in the past.
What applies to physical type is also applicable to DNA.
7. Arctic Animals as an Example
In Arctic climes many of the animals have white furs or feathers. The bears, the rabbits, hares, walrus, seals deer, tigers, owls, wolves, foxes, geese, etc. Do an Image search of Arctic Animals on a Web Search Engine and see for yourselves.
And as for human races why we have types of Monkeys that look quite "Caucasoid" with blondish hair and blue eyes and we have other types of monkeys in areas populated by Mongoloid people that also look mongoloid!
Thousands of parallel examples from the natural world exist and in some of our articles we have quoted them.
And how did this all come about?
Evolutionists will say that once a dark brown-colored wolf from the south wandered into a cold climate and had twenty babies. Ten survived. One of them was a little bit whiter than the rest. A higher percentage of his offspring survived into the next generation. And so on and on untill all the wolves were lighter colored. They also "evolved" over eons and eons to change their colring according tot he season. When there was less snow many of them would look less white than when there was! They they went on reproducing and all the time the less brown color they had the more they got by and got on until after 1000s or millions of generations they all turned out white or whiute in winter and brown or grey in summer!
It is taken for granted by all "Enlightened" Evotutionists that anybody who finds this scenario hard to accept is a prejudiced uneducated bigot.
Many Creationists might claim on the contrary. Everything was created perfect in its time just as it is and already perfectly suited to be as it is. Change was not necessary.
Brit-Am says, stating it as crudely as possible:
A population of a certain type reaches a new place. At some time under certain conditions over a very few generations all the specimens of that population will ecxperience DNA changes. At the end of this process the change will be fixed and henceforth all future generations will breed true to the new type. Even if they move after that to another place they will continue with the type they have acquired UNLESS another MASS change takes place and the population reverses back to what ity once was. This actually happens at times, see the examples in our previuous article and in Inbuilt Adaptation.
Does this sound difficult to accept?
But it explains the phenomenon of all the animals in one place changing from one type to another. It explains why so many different animals all have similar coloring and it explains numerous other things.
For examples see:
Inbuilt Adaptation.
Changes in Animal Populations According to Environment Needs
... as Provided by Leo M. Spetner:
Rainbow Fish (Guppie) Changes
The alta cichlid fish preys on large mature guppies [rainbow fish]. On the other hand, the killfish preys on small immature guppies.
Guppies that live with the alta mature earlier and produce more and smaller offspring that are less likely to be eaten by the alta. Guppies that live with killfish grow larger so that the killfish are less likely to eat them.
The Aripo River in Trinidad has guppies together with alta. The guppies in that place mature earlier and grow to a smaller size so that the alta will not eat them. D. A. Reznick (1987) and his team took 200 guppies from the Aripo River and put them in the tributary of the river that is home to the killfish but has no alta and had no guppies. The small guppies at first were being eaten by the killfish so their offspring came out as large guppies that the killfish do not eat. Reznick found the changes to be heritable.
8. Horizontal Gene Transfer as a Possible Solution!
Along come new DNA findings such as "Horizontal gene transfer" that are NOW conventionally acceptable and gives a plausible apparently empirically demonstrated explanation.
What does "Horizontal gene transfer" and examples of similar phenomena say?
They state that all physical phenomena are determined by DNA. In certain situations whole populations of a certain species and sometimes even of more than one species in a certain area will receive (or develop) in what is at present an unclear way infusions of DNA they did not have previously. From now on this new DNA will be inherited and passed on to new generations. This new DNA might impart advantages to its recipients that were not previously there. This is no Elovutionary billion year long endless accumulation of incremental changes but RATHER an overall reversal of reality taking place relatively speaking almost overnight.
This might sound very far-fetched and hard to accept but it is what the scientists are saying. Read the Wikipedia articles.
It is also compatible with what Brit-Am has been saying!
9. Horizontal Gene Transfer in Hebrew Israelites!
What does this mean for Brit-Am concerning DNA findings and related physical phenomena?
Brit-Am holds that many among the peoples of Western Europe came from the area of Ancient Israel and that they are the long lost brothers of the Jewish People.
The DNA of the Jews is similar to that of other peoples who come from the general area of the Near East such as the Kurds, Turks, Armenians, and to some degree the Palestinians and Levantines.
The male Y genotype of the Jews is about 30% J2, 30 % E1b1, 7% G, 7% Q, 10 R1a, 5% R1b.
The majority genotype of West Europeans is R1b with some R1b, some I, and some others.
If there are, as Brit-Am claims, so many West Europeans of Israelite descent why is their DNA so different from the Jews? Are the Jews not really Israelites? Or are West Europeans entirely a different people.
Now archeological findings of bodies claimed to date back 10s of thousands of years indicate that the early population of Britain and other parts of Europe was once much closer to that of the Jews.
They were however all replaced, say DNA findings, by others.
Genetic history of the British Isles
1Analyses of nuclear DNA
1.1Mesolithic population
1.2Near-total population replacement by Neolithic farmers
1.3Near-total population replacement of Neolithic farmers by North- Central European Bell Beaker People
1.4Anglo-Saxon Settlement
1.5Viking Influence
Look at the List of Contents above. This tells us that based on DNA findings the Mesolithic Farmers were of a certain type. These were totally replaced by Neolithic farmers. The Neolithic farmers were in turn totally replaced by North- Central European Bell Beaker People. Then came the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings from parts of Europe with a similar story.
Now this may or may not have happened.
BUT according to our new scenario it did not need to.
The DNA could simply have been modified by "Horizontal Gene Transfer" as happens ALL the time in the Animal Kingdom!
Or are the adherents of Evolution suddenly horrified of having phenomenon known to take place in the natural world also occurring with human beings?
Do the Creationists think that a Master Creator could not provide Mankind with the same tools He enabled simple beasts with?
10. Implications for Individual DNA
What does that mean for individuals and DNA tests?
To answer this question let us take an example from someone I am somewhat familiar with, i.e. myself.
A DNA Test indicated that I have a certain type of R1b YDNA common to Western Europe and that within that type specifically to a family of Kings in Ireland descended from someone known as Nial of the Nine Hostages.
At the beginning all carriers of this type were believed to have a shared ancestry with Nial or his immediate kin.
Other factors in my life, before I ever heard about Nial, correspond with such a possibility.
At all events my ancestors must have come the same area as the Nial family. They therefore would have benefited from the same changes that took place due to environment or DNA mass transposition. Since this type was statistically more predominant in families with a tradition of descent from Nial and related potentates then the probability of some kind of connection exists. In other words DNA tests and the like can still tell us much of value. They are still reliable but less absolutely so and not going back so far to the end (or beginning) of time as some would like to think.
See Also: Brit-Am versus DNA Biblical Evidence is Reality