First Colonies Equated



Connecticut, is part of New England.

As of the 2010 census, Connecticut has the highest per-capita income, second-highest level of human development behind Massachusetts, and highest median household income in the United States.
Connecticut's first European settlers were Dutchmen. The Netherlands is associated with Zebulon but many from Scandinavia also settled there. Norway we identify with Naphtali.

The name Connecticut is derived from the Mohegan-Pequot word that has been translated as "long tidal river" and "upon the long river", both referring to the Connecticut River. 

The largest ancestry groups since 2010 were:

19.3% Italian
17.9% Irish
10.7% English
10.4% German
8.6% Polish
6.6% French
3.0% French Canadian
2.7% American
2.0% Scottish
1.4%  Scotch Irish. 

The largest ethnic group is Italian, followed by Irish, and then English. Some American British-Israel type groups identified Italy with Naphtali. This is mistaken but of interest. It happens that incorrect surmises such as these may have (in a limited way) something to them.
As the nineteenth century ended, thousands of Italians entered Connecticut from small Italian villages, especially south of Rome. The Sicilian towns Catania, Mellili, and Siracusa and mainland towns Abruzzi e Molise and Calabria were common points of departure. 

This suggests the Italians who came to Connecticut derived from specific areas within Italy.
it could be that elements from Naphtali settled in parts of Italy as well as being found later in Scandinavia.
Soo too, we once considered Ireland to be dominated  by Naphtali before deciding on Ireland.

According to Webster's New International Dictionary (1993), a person who is a native or resident of Connecticut is a "Connecticuter". This could be related to the English word 'connect.' The Hebrew name 'Naphtali' is derived from the word 'petil' connoting 'wrap around, twine.' -This is connection.

Symbol : grapes on a vine wrapped around a pole.

There are numerous other terms coined in print but not in use, such as "Connecticotian" (Cotton Mather in 1702) and "Connecticutensian" (Samuel Peters in 1781). Linguist Allen Walker Read suggests the more playful term "Connecticutie". "Nutmegger" is sometimes used, as is "Yankee".

Place-Names in Connecticut of Biblical or Possible Biblical Significance: 



New Canaan

Danbury, Danielson, -0 Tribe of Dan. Naphtali and Dan were brothers sons of Jacob through Bilhah maidservant of Rachel mother of Joseph and Benjamin.
Ashford suggests the Tribe of Asher.

Asher, Dan, and Naphtali were encamped together in the Wilderness.

Avon was probably another name for Avel -beth- Maachah in the Land of Naphtali.

Motto: He who transplanted still sustains.

Anthem: Yankee Doodle.

The term 'Doodle' implies 'simple person,' a boyish character. This is pertinent (in Scandinavian lore) to Norway and the Hebrew word 'naar.'

Dalin, "Svea Rikes Historia (1747-1762) says that Norway was named after the Neuri. The Neuri were "a mixture of Scythians, Greeks, and Hebrews".  Amongst the Neuri "were to be found remnants from the Ten Tribes of Israel whom Salmanassar, the king of Assyria, took captive from Canaan.  The Neuri according to Dalin derived their name from "Nuori" which in the Lapp and Finnish tongues means "son" and originally came from the Hebrew "Naar" meaning "youth". In the Hebrew Bible the term "Naar" or "Naarim" (plural) is used for "youths in training" in the service of the King. Joseph was called a "naar" (Genesis 37:2); So were Moses (Exodos 2:6), Joshua (Exodus 33:11),  David (1-Samuel 17:42), and Solomon (1-Chronicles 22:5). Israel in general is also referred to as a "naar":  'when Israel was a child [Hebrew: "naar"], then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt'. It may be a coincidence but the Norwegians were treated as "Naarim" for much of their history by Danish and Swedish rulers and by their own ruling class, i.e. not suppressed but as if they were in need of direction and from whom deference was expected and usually obtained. 

People from Connecticut.

George H. W. Bush, the 41st president of the United States, grew up in Greenwich.
George W. Bush, the 43rd president of the United States, was born in New Haven.
 Igor Sikorsky, who created and flew the first practical helicopter.[248]
Mark Twain resided in his innovative Hartford home from 1871 until 1891, during which time he published The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. He lived in Redding from 1908 until his death in 1910.[251]
Noah Webster was born in Hartford in an area that is now part of West Hartford and was the author of the Blue Backed Speller, now known as Webster's Dictionary. The Speller was used to teach spelling to five generations of Americans.[252]
Eli Whitney, best known for inventing the cotton gin which shaped the economy of the Antebellum South, and promoting the design of interchangeable parts in production, a major development leading to the Industrial Revolution.[253]

sperm whale 

The American Robin

Other US States identified with Naphtali include Montana, Tennesee.