Relative antisemitism amongst different peoples (28 January 2016, 18 Shevet, 5776)
Comparative List of Antisemitism Rates in Western European and other Countries, 2016
Numbers show percentages of those who hold overtly anti-Jewish prejudices.
Sweden 4
Netherlands 5
UK 8
Denmark 9
Norway 15
Finland 15
Iceland 16
Ireland 20
Italy 20
Spain 21
Switzerland 26
Belgium 27
Germany 27
Austria 28
Portugal 29
France 37
Greece 69
Mexico 24
Japan 23 (females 18, male 28)
Australia 14
New Zealand 14
Russia 30
Poland 45
Brit-Am Comment: Nations identified by Brit-Am as containing a significant proportion of Israelites from the Ten Tribes have on the whole less anti-Semitism than other countries.
There are however a few borderline cases such as France, Switzerland, and Belgium.
As we have pointed out in the past in some cases these statistics may be misleading.
The USA is actually very low when it is realized that the US population encompasses many non-Israelites whose anti-Jewish rates are reportedly higher.