Names of the USA Prove Israelite Ancestry (31 October, 2013, Cheshvan 27, 5774)
The Lost Ten Tribes are now a predominant element amongst the US population. Even the names traditionally given to the USA and to US citizens reflect their Israelite origins.
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1. Introduction
2. America.
3. Columbia
4. New World; Erets Acheret
5. Yank
6. G.I. Joe
7. Brother Jonathan and Uncle Sam
1. Introduction
We find the Ten Tribes of Israel amongst Western Peoples. The foremost Israelite community today is found in the USA.
This is confirmed by the Bible and by secular sources.
We find hints of this Hebrew Ancestry in names and nicknames applied to the USA and US citizens.
2. The Name America
America is named after "Ha-Macheri" meaning literally the Sons of Machir who was the first born son of Manasseh.
Machir was the first-born son of Manasseh son of Joseph (Genesis 50:23, Numbers 26:29, Numbers 32:39-40, Numbers 36:1, Judges 5:40, 1-Chronicles 7:14, etc).
Machir was the forefather of the Gileadites (1-Chronicles 2:21).
The commonly accepted explanation is that the name "America" comes from that of the Explorer, Amerigo Vespucci (1451-1512) also called "America" and (after 1507) "America" is said to have been named in his honor.
At all events, the name Amerigo or "America" is similar to Medieval appellations ("Aimerico", etc.) for a Jewish Prince of southern France.
This prince in Hebrew records of the time is refrred to as Machir or Ha-Machiri.
Arthur J. ZUCKERMAN, "A Jewish Princedom in Feudal France, 768-900", New York, 1972. p.375 notes that Machir (Ha-Machiri) was referred to as Al Makhiri, and as "Aimerico", and "Aimericus". Zuckerman p.131 n.38.
Zuckerman describes how Machir ("Aimericus") became a legend whose name was celebrated in the ballads of Southern France and neighboring regions.
In Hebrew his name was Machir. He was also referred to in Hebrew as "Ha-Machiri". In Biblical Hebrew "Ha-Machiri" means "men of Machir" or "pertaining (in the plural) to Machir".
In Hebrew writings of that time however "Ha-Machiri" seems to have been a kind of diminutive (nickname) for Machir.
At all events the main point for our purposes is that the names Machir and Ha-Machiri were transcribed from the Hebrew as Americo and similar terms. As a result the name entered the stock of names of the region. Americo Vespucci received the name and gave it to America.
Divine Providence wanted it that the USA (i.e. America) should be named by the same name as the first born son of Manasseh!
3. Columbia
Columbia was a name for the USA.
Columbia (name)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Personified Columbia in American flag gown and Phrygian cap, from a World War I patriotic poster.
Columbia is a historical and poetic name used for the United States of America and is also the name of its female personification. It has inspired the names of many persons, places, objects, institutions, and companies; i.e., Columbia University, the District of Columbia (the national capital), and the Columbia River. Columbia was largely displaced as the female symbol of the U.S. by the Statue of Liberty circa 1920.
Columbia is a New Latin toponym, combining a stem Columb- based on the surname of the explorer Christopher Columbus and an ending -ia, common in Latin names of countries (e.g. Britannia "Britain", Gallia "Gaul"). The meaning is therefore "Land of Columbus."
The name of Columbus comes from a word meaning doves: Colombia therefore connotes "Land of the Doves".
Columbus and the US
Isaiah 60:8 describes the Israelites returning like doves to their windows and links them with the ships of Tarshish.
Isaiah 60:
8 Who are these that fly like a cloud,
and like doves to their windows?
9 For the coastlands shall wait for me,
the ships of Tarshish first,
to bring your children from far away,
their silver and gold with them,
for the name of the Lord your God,
and for the Holy One of Israel,
because he has glorified you./strong>
Isaiah 60 speaks of the returnees of Israel flying through the clouds like doves and being carried in the ships of Tarshish meaning ships plying the Atlantic Ocean. This, as we have shown, refers to Israelites returning from the region of North America.
4. New World; Erets Acheret
The term New World is usually taken to have been applied to the North and South American Continents after their discovery.
A Wikipedia article, New World, tells us that the term also included other areas including Australia and New Zealand.
Quote: New World
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"New World" depicted as the Americas and Oceania, distinguished from the three parts of the "Old World" (Europe, Asia, Africa).
The New World is one of the names used for the Western Hemisphere, specifically the Americas, certain Atlantic and Pacific oceanic islands to which the closest continental shelf is that of the Americas (such as Bermuda), and sometimes Oceania (Australasia). The term originated in the early 16th century after America was discovered by Europeans in the age of discovery, expanding the geographical horizon of the people of the Middle Ages, who had thought of the world as consisting of Africa, Asia, and Europe only: collectively now referred to as the Old World. The term was first coined by Florentine explorer Amerigo Vespucci. The Americas were also referred to as the "fourth part of the world".The term "New World" ("Mundus Novus") was first coined by the Florentine explorer Amerigo Vespucci, in a letter written to his friend and former patron Lorenzo di Pier Francesco de' Medici in the Spring of 1503, and published (in Latin) in 1503-04 under the title Mundus Novus. Vespucci's letter contains arguably the first explicit articulation in print of the hypothesis that the lands discovered by European navigators to the west were not the edges of Asia, as asserted by Christopher Columbus, but rather an entirely different continent, a "New World".
The term New World when translated into Hebrew links us to a verse that was considered to apply to the Ten Tribes.
The Mishna (Sanhedrin 10) says that this Biblical Prophecy refers to the Lost Ten Tribes who were destined to remain in 'Eretz Acheret' until close to the End Times.
# INTO ANOTHER LAND#: In Hebrew is a translation from 'Erets Acheret' which can also mean 'THE NEW WORLD'. This is an expression that was applied to AMERICA!
The verse says if Israel did not keep the commandments they would be cast out into an 'Eretz Acheret', which is translatable from the Hebrew as meaning both 'another land' (Deuteronomy 29:28) and/or a 'New World'. The American hemisphere when first revealed in our era to European eyes was known as 'The New World'. To translate 'New World' into a Hebrew one would say either 'Olam Chadash' or 'Eretz Acheret'. Of these two possibilities, 'Olam Chadash' is incorrect from the standpoint of Biblical Hebrew since it implies another newly created world. On the other hand, 'Eretz Acheret' as well as meaning, 'New World' or 'Another Land' may also be understood to imply 'A land that was (revealed) later' or 'Newer' cf. 'Acheret' in Hebrew connoting both 'other' and 'later'. Deuteronomy (29:28) and the Mishna, may be therefore understood as saying that the Lost Ten Tribes would be mainly in 'The New World' (i.e. 'Eretz Acheret') after its discovery (or re-discovery) by Europeans, since only then did the term become applicable.
Amongst Gentiles scholars and others (including some Jewish Rabbis) in the period beginning from the 1500s and onwards there was a feeling that the New World would be connected with the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. These feelings along with other factors led to the idea that the Lost Ten Tribes were to be found amongst the Amerindians.
We opine that the feelings were correct but their application mistaken.
Amongst some Amerindian groups there may once have been links to Israel. This is not our field and at all events should be the subject of another study.
The Lost Ten Tribes as a group that would give expression to itself as predicted by the Bible was to be realized by descendants of Israel in the West and in North America.
This realization did take place in the New World.
It occurred however due to descendants of Israelite descendants migrating en masse from Israelite and non-Israelite areas of Europe to North America.
5. Yank
The nickname Yank in the USA was applied to American citizens from the Northern part of the country.
Overseas however all Americans are nicknamed Yanks.
We are familiar with the slogan, "Yankee go home", used in demonstrations in Third World countries who often have been saved from starvation and disaster by the USA.
It is not certain where and how the term Yank originated.
At all evens in Biblical Hebrew, In Yiddish, and in other dialects Yank is the same as Jack i.e. a shortened from of the name Yaacov (Jacob). Yaacov in Ashkenazic Hebrew was often pronounced as Yankov; Yank is therefore short for Yaacov (Jacob).
The name Jacob in Rabbinical Thought was associated with Manasseh son of Joseph.
6. GI Joes
GI Joe is a nickname for a US infantry man later extended to any US soldier.
The sources below (and others like them) indicate that that the G.I. part means "Government Issue" referring to the military clothes and equipment given to the soldier.
The "Joe" part comes from a nickname the Americans applied to anyone in general. A fellow American was considered a "Joe".
Joe is short for Joseph.
Joseph was one of the Tribes of Israel.
The two sons of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) are the dominant Tribes in the USA.
also GI, 1936 as an adjective meaning "U.S. Army equipment," American English, apparently an abbreviation of Government Issue, and applied to anything associated with servicemen. Transferred sense of "U.S. Army soldier" arose during World War II (first recorded 1943), apparently from the jocular notion that the men themselves were manufactured by the government.
An earlier G.I. (1908) was an abbreviation of galvanized iron, especially in G.I. can, a type of metal trash can; the term was picked up by U.S. soldiers in World War I as slang for a similar-looking type of German artillery shells. But it is highly unlikely that this G.I. came to mean "soldier." No two sources seem to agree on the entire etymology, but none backs the widespread notion that it stands for *General Infantry. GI Joe 'any U.S. soldier' attested from 1942 (date in OED is a typo).
Charter Member
....The Joe part I think has to do with either Bill Mauldin's Willie and Joe comic characters or with the children of Europe calling every Solider Joe. "Hey Joe got any candy?"
Johnny L.A.
G.I. is "government issue". "Joe" is American (?) slang for a bloke. Joe might have been a more common name decades ago than it is now. It's where we got phrases such as "an average Joe" and "Hey Joe, whaddya know?" ("I just got back from a vaudeville show!"). So a "G.I. Joe" was a guy who was in the army -- a "government-issued average American".
7. Brother Jonathan and Uncle Sam
Brother Jonathan was a popular figure representing the USA in earlier years. He was replaced by Uncle Sam.
Wikipedia tells us:
# The term dates at least to the 17th century, when it was applied to Puritan roundheads during the English Civil War. The term came to include residents of colonial New England, who were mostly Puritans in support of the Parliamentarians during the war. #
In the Bible the Prophet Samuel from the Tribe of Levi anointed Saul from the Tribe of Benjamin as King but later was told to anoint David in his stead.
Jonathan was the son of Saul but befriended David and saved him from Saul.
Both Samuel and Jonathan worked to further the cause of David. In a sense they were agents of the future Kingdom of David.
So too, the USA with its later population of Israelite descendants from the Ten Tribes may be preparing the way for the future Messiah who will come from David.