The Message Below is intended to be sent out to those requesting to be subscribed to our e-mail list
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- Shalom,
Thank you for your message,
Welcome to the Brit-Am E-Mail List
Brit-Am proves the Israelite origins of peoples in the west.
Our major source is the Bible supplemented by traditional sources
along with the results of scientific and historical researches.
As a member of our list you will regularly receive features that include:
* Brit-Am Now: Biblical Proofs as well as updates on research, new insights,
questions and answers from our members, and ongoing discussions.
An archive of previous "Brit-Am Now" Postings may be found at
* Biblical Brit-Am: A regular Commentary on Scripture that strives to
give an overall picture while emphasizing Biblical passages that more
directly concern Brit-Am beliefs concerning the Lost Ten Tribes. At
present we are going though the Book of Kings but other
Biblical Studies may be included.
Links to our Biblical Commentaries may be found at
* Brit-Am Contemporary Newsletters and Discussions
We also put out regular News and Discussion Updates that are posted to our web-site
with our e-mail list members being informed via a note on Brit-Am Now email postings as to when the latest Update becomes available.
For a list of these features and links to the archives of past issues see:
Brit-Am Contemporary Newsletters and Discussions
* Other postings on various issues are sent out from time to time..
There is no charge for subscription to this list. We depend on offerings
and the purchase of our publications but we also value your presence on our
list in itself and anything beyond that is up to individual decision.
We do from time to time send out appeals for funds which you are free to answer or ignore.
If you have any comments, queries, complaints, compliments, etc,
you wish to make please do not hesitate. If you have information you think
may be of interest please post it to us. We appreciate your participation
and input very much.
See Also:
General Rules for corresponding to the Brit-Am e-mail list
In short do not send us messages that are anti-Jewish or attempts to convince us
about non-Jewish religious beliefs.
We relate to such messages as worse than deliberate insults and they comprise grounds for deletion from our list.
We on our part will try and keep expression of our own partisan beliefs to a minimum.
We give out information and share opinions.
This forum is heavily monitored and any letter sent to us may be
posted or not posted and edited at our discretion.
[We know this may sound somewhat severe but up unto now the overwhelming majority of our subscribers seem to have been pleased with how the list is handled.
Our "editing" in effect is no more than that which is generally practiced by most other media outlets. ]
We hope that your membership of our list will meet your expectations.
You may consider letting your friends and associates know of our existence
so that they too can benefit from the Brit-Am Ten Tribes Movement message.
For more information please visit our website:
Those who wish to subscribe may do so by sending a simple message
with the word "SUBSCRIBE" in the subject line and in the body of the message.
Similarly, if at any time you may wish to cease being a member of this list,
just send us a message with UNSUBSCRIBE in both the subject line and in the body of the message.
God bless you in every way,
Yair Davidiy
POB 595
Jerusalem 91004